Chapter No. 2

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Kayla's POV
I woke up with a start because my mom literally pulled me out of bed. I glared at her and she walked out and slammed the door after saying 'GET UP ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL'. So after she slammed the door
I got up and got dressed.

~This Time Skip is sponsored by the shit in the toilet cuz that's what this is complete and Utter shit~

Still Kayla's POV
I walked down stairs wearing a red belly shirt with a black hoodie over it, blue jean shorts and my black boots. I grabbed my book bag and walked out the door where my dad was sits in the car wait to drive me to school. I got in the car a he drove me there.
It's was about a 20min drive there so I got there about three minutes late but who cares.
I got out of the car and walked to the entrance of the school and walked in.
I walked to the office.

"Oh why hello young lady you must be our new student. What's your name?" A older women asked me.

"Uhh.. I'm Kayla" I said.

"Oh well nice to meet you Kayla, here's you schedule and locker number, now run to class don't want to be later that you are, do you?" She said handing the papers.

"No, ma'am" I said with a smile and walked out the the main hallway looking for my locker. As I did hear running behind me and I turned around and I was knocked over by someone. "Oww" I said in a hatful tone and got up. "oh uh sorry I didn't mean to" said the girl that knocked me down. She put out her hand and I grabbed it. As she helped me up I noticed she had a firm grip.
When I got to my feet I looked up at her and our eye locked onto each others, I blushed but I guess she brushed it off. "uhh t-thank y-you" I stuttered out. She gave me a small friendly smirk and bent down to pick up the paper I had dropped and looked at them.
"Your the new kid, right?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm Kayla."

She chuckled a bit "I'm Selena and looks like me and you are gonna be spending a lot of time together." she smiled showing me my schedule. "Me and you have the same School schedule so I guess follow me."
I blushed a light pink as she started walking, and then I remember I need to know where my locker was. "uhh first can you help me find my locker?" I said quietly. "Sure" she chuckled, "i never like social studies any way, the teachers a bitch to." I giggled a bit at what she said and gave her the paper with my locker number on it. Selena smiled a bit, making a hand gesture for me to follow, we walked all the other way to the side of the school, until she pointed to my locker, "there you are" Selena smiled. I seen her walk to a locker across from mine and she unlocked it grabbing her books and walking back over to me. I unlocked mine with help help of Selena and grabbed my books and smiled slightly as we walked to class.
I followed her up the stairs and down a hallway to room 698. She open the door and walked in, I heard Selena's named screamed happily by some people and I follow her in the class, is Selena popular, I thought to my self. "miss fields, why are you late." the teacher almost yelled at Selena. "Relax Mrs. Conner, I was help the new kid find her way to class that's all". I peered out from behind Selena and smiled shyly. "Oh well thank you for helping her but please take your set" Mrs. Conner said sternly.
"Now for you miss, can you please tell the class your name" she said almost to sweetly. But I nodded and faced the class.
"Uhh, Hi I'm Kayla." I said mostly looking at Selena."Well Kayla, you may take a set at any of the empty desks" the teacher said and I seen one in front of Selena and I walked over to it and sat down. After sitting down a boy next to me looked at me and whispered, "so Kayla got any plans later?" I flipped him off and I heard Selena snickering behind me. I think me and her are gonna be best first or... Something more.

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