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"MERLIN!" she shouted, the ear flew upwards away from her face and Florence flung her neck back to watch it, a little orange cat at her feet also watching the flying ear. Mainly, she saw two tall cheeky redheads grinning at her and quickly trying to hide the ear. The other faces all jumped back, not quickly enough for Florence to clock them. "Your lucky that your going back to school tomorrow!" she shouted up towards the teenagers now bolting up the stairs, "Get that away, now! Before you get into too much trouble and guess what, I won't be helping you then!" She yelled after the scurrying feet, running up the steps before she turned back to face the door.

Meetings were going well, and the Order was doing semi-good, as good as it can be with one of the most powerful dark wizards in the world rising to power with huge numbers.

Florence opened the door to the meeting, everyone was there- including all the volunteers, who sat on counters and stools scattered around the room. Bill stood at the end of the table, both hands on it and looking down at a scrap of paper, his hair tied back away from his face, which whipped up towards the door; his eye catching her staring one. Florence blushed, to put it into simpler terms. "Florence!" an exasperated voice spoke, Sirius smiled at the girl and she nodded her head to him and Remus. Snape was standing across from them, with an angry Molly at his side, but her anger subsided as she welcomed the girl and told her to take her jacket off. Florence now spotted Juno, the bowtruckle, quite often and is surprised to see how much the little creature actually is around, usually on her owners shoulder.

The meeting continued, intense discussions about Harry and his involvement in the order as well as the return to Hogwarts the next day. "Florence, did you get the healing supplies and potions from the checklist over to Westminster?" Moody roughly asked, "Yes I did, it's sorted." she said, smiling at the man from her seat, "Well then, we will convene on Monday next week." Kingsley spoke softly, standing from his place next to Snape. Florence nodded and stood from her seat, gathering notes from the table and pushing her chair in. She had to talk to Bill. She didn't know what she would say, well, she loved him- for years now, that part was clear. How did she tell him that though?
Bill, I love you! Even though I have barely even looked at you these past few days! Ha ha!
Maybe in front of everyone she could scream it, Bill I actually DO love you! Lots actually!

It then occurred to Florence and indeed Sirius, that nearly everyone had cleared from the room, leaving Florence and a few volunteers, with Sirius across from her- an amused smirk on his face.
"Alright there?" he added, "Perfectly fine." Florence finished, vanishing her pens into her bag and grabbing her papers. "Thinking about a certain... confess-" Florence marched out of the room before Sirius could finish his unnecessary sentence.

Though she quickly stopped, whipping her head around, she marched back in to find a smug Sirius with his hands on his hips, an expecting smile on his face. Florence rounded the table and grabbed his wrists, dragging him back out of the room, up the stairs and straight into a spare bedroom on the first landing. Florence shoved the laughing man into the room and, with her wand, locked the door and quickly cast a silencing charm.

She huffed before beginning, "What- I mean, how do you know about this? Well I'm not surpris-" Sirius raised an eyebrow, "The boy practically had a mental shutdown. Panicking and sweating, saying 'Oh she's only just recovering' and-" Florence interrupted the man by storming over to a spare bed and dropping her head into her hands as she sat on the side. "He was panicked?!" she questioned, "Well rightfully so, you haven't spoke to him since and didn't say anything to him then," Sirius replied, leaning his weight on one of his hips. "Well, well, it's because-" she stammered, "If you love him, you need to tell him- the guys probably in agony..."
"I DO love him! Oh no, what do I do Sirius? I've screwed this all up, I wanted to say to him but I was shocked, I mean he loves me? For all I know I thought Fleur loved him?!" She spoke, hands raking through her hair.

"Why does that matter, he loves
you! You love him. Listen, coming from me, don't wait to tell someone you love them incase you aren't able to the next time. Seize this moment, we are in a war- I made your mistake and didn't fix it and all of a sudden I thought there was no hope of me fixing it. Ever. Go, go and tell him you love him and I don't know... have a romantic kiss?!"
"Sirius!" Florence laughed, as she looked at him solemnly through her fingers. The man was crouched before her now, his eyes shone with wisdom that lingered there but didn't often show. Pain and wisdom grew side by side, that could be seen in his eyes, his face, his words. Florence felt an overwhelming love for the man then, she leapt forward off the bed and hugged the crouched man who stumbled yet laughed and hugged her back. "I love you, Sirius. Thank you." she whispered and she felt the man smile, "Only saying what needs to be said."

That talk gave Florence the confidence she needed to rush down the stairs and burst into the sitting room. Every face turned and stared at her, every conversation paused. "Is- Is Bill in here?" Florence asked clumsily, the heads started slowly shaking side to side and Florence sighed, turning and quickly exiting the room. The sitting room stayed quiet for a moment, before erupting into cheers and laughs.
"Oh she's definitely doing it!"
"Ah, young love!"
"Did you see the look in her eye!"
"Where is Bill?"
"This is so exciting!"

This included Alberic, who smiled fondly as his daughter raced out of the room, his mind thinking back to his Lara. Young love, indeed.
Sirius entered the room amid the chatter and excitement, he caught eyes with Zehra as he sat on the couch next to Remus, the girl lifted an eyebrow at him in question and he nodded excitedly. The dark haired girl grinned and whispered something to Charlie.

Florence nearly gave up looking in Grimmauld Place for the man, he was 6'8 surely he couldn't be that hard to find. Not until she saw a door slightly ajar, the small library on the top floor. Florence quietly entered, pushing the door open to look inside.

Bill was indeed inside, standing in front of the window, a book in his hands. Florence slowly stepped forward but the creak of the floorboards gave her away, Bill spun around and slammed the book shut in one hand. His face lit up with surprise, "Florence, I-"
"Wait," she interrupted "don't speak. Not yet. Let me, let me say this before you say anything." She spoke nervously, watching as his arms dropped to his sides and he slowly nodded, "I'm sorry for the way I reacted the other day. The truth is I was just, shocked, I- I didn't think you felt the way you, the way you do." She gestured to him and Bill followed the movement of her hand with his eyes, " I mean, I thought Fleur was more your type or one of the volunteers you brought back, they are all so pretty and kind, brave too-" she rambled before being interrupted by Bill. "Florence, please," he started "No! No, just" she swallowed and stepped closer to the man, "I just couldn't believe that you liked, loved, me and was surprised, but I wanted to tell you how I felt." Florence looked up at Bill who's eyebrows were creased and who was studying her face, "You don't have to if your not rea-" Florence started again, "But I am ready! Hell, I've never been more ready- I've been ready for years! I love you Bill, more than anyone and- and it hurts when I'm not with you, when you left for Egypt it felt like my heart had just been ripped out my chest, but that's besides the point..." she mumbled, staring at her feet and the wooden, creaky floor around her.

Bill was awfully silent and Florence only managed to look up after 30 seconds, he was staring at her face, scanning her features and calmly watching her. Florence almost felt like time had stood still as she waited on him to say something, really anything. Bill slowly smiled, a grin making its way across his scarred, freckled face. His eyes glimmered and his smile captured her. She smiled back.

sorry guys i haven't uploaded in MONTHS but i was bored and read my old chapters for fun and then thought i can't leave them like that but ya hyg! enjoy it's pretty long but i like it (ignore the horrible grammar)

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