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"The Potions Lab is in the March Safehouse," Moody handed Florence a sheet of paper including all the requirements needed for research, healing and Auror use. Florence was expected, as the brightest witch of her age, to work in all departments in order to control Voldemort and the Death Eaters progress and work in curse creation and ability. She agreed naturally and now basically fully recovered, she wanted to get back to work. "Snape, Horace and Mary will be working on Potions. You should tie this as a priority with your Auror duties as we are short staffed on Potions. Research will run smoothly as we have enough researchers and your Aurorship duties will still be as crucial as they currently are," Moody grumbled and he stalked towards the door, "Your one of our best Jane." he stomped out of the door and Florence was left standing in the large room. The only thing apart from her were the leather pieces of furniture and the faces that covered the tapestry on the wall.

Florence scanned the faces of the woven material and she let her fingers trace them. Narcissa. Bellatrix. The burnt and mangled fabric that Andromeda's face lay on. Sirius Black, burnt like Andromeda's- a black hole, a scar with his faded name. Almost a way of showing what the two burnt marks meant to them. Regulus Black.
Florence lingered on Regulus' face, the tinge of death that hummed around the image. Florence often though about him- Sirius had told her the story of his death. He was unknown, untold and misunderstood; naive. Her eyes flickered to Draco Malfoy, placed next to his Mother. She seen similarities between the two boys, but tried not to think about it. The Order was her priority and feeling sympathy towards a family associated to Riddle, especially the Malfoy's, was not what she wanted to be thinking of then.

Florence turned and snatched her satchel from the table, swinging it over her shoulder and walking out of the room she made her way to the door and turned on her heel to apparate. The feeling of the air squeezing in her lungs and being compressed and contorted was one she never particularly enjoyed, but as she appeared a few yards away from the March safe house on the outskirts of London, she soon forgot. Reaching into her bag she pulled out a scroll with written ingredients and steps and held it firmly as she jogged away from her apparition point towards the trees and the hidden house.
The March safehouse was hidden on the outskirts of London, specifically in a forest named 'Forest Clover'. Florence moved branches with her arms and ducked under some before appearing at a large oak tree. She pulled her wand from the pocket of her blood red jeans and tapped the tree slowly, 3 times, "Revelio." she whispered.

The tree sat for a minute before it started to slowly rumble and morph, stretching sideways further and further until the tree abruptly stopped, the size of a door, and a small door knob appeared. Florence smirked and opened the door and raced down the steps, the smell of potions and the sound of bubbling making its way to her ears. "Hello!" she exclaimed and as she landed at the bottom of the stairs two faces looked up at her. Florence smiled and Mary and Slughorn both put down their projects to greet the girl.
"Florence, my girl!" Slughorn exclaimed, "We've been needing extra help!" he smiled and Florence shrugged off her jacket and hung it on the wooden door before making her way over to an extra cauldron. "Well, Moody asked me to come and help to make some ingredients that are needed for healing potions. It's nothing really, i'm happy to help you guys!" she smiled at the man and the three buried their heads back into their work. Florence cut, pinched, ground, smashed and sprinkled all different materials and ingredients into her cauldron and made several batches of perfected healing potions that would be taken to the hospital safehouse that was stationed in Westminister.

As the clock ticked and moved closer to dinner time, Florence was on her last batch of potions- Slughorn had already left for the day and Mary was packing her things. "Hey Mary, where can I find extra fluxweed?" Florence asked, looking up from her cauldron and moving her hair behind both ears, "Oh, Severus is in the room back there- he has a store he lets us use. I'm sure there will be fluxweed in there!" she smiled and untied her apron as she pointed at the door down the hallway. Florence raised her eyebrows, "Snape has been here the whole time?" Mary looked up and nodded at the blonde woman. "Ah, okay." Florence took off her apron, placing it on her work bench and headed down the hallway, approaching a long dark door. Knocking, she heard bustling before the door swung open and Severus stood before her, in fully black robes. He sneered, "To what do I owe the pleasure, Jane?" he asked, looking down at her, Florence sighed, "I need fluxweed, from the store, do you have any?" Snape looked to be considering for a moment before standing back and using his hand to motion for her to come in. As Florence entered the room, there had to have been at least 4 cauldrons bubbling and steaming, the air hummed with magic and smelt of a warm mix of ingredients. Another thing that did not fail to slip Florences gaze was a small bowtruckle that sat idly on Snapes desk, playing with different objects. "Is that... a bowtruckle?" she asked, amusement peaking in her voice. "Yes." Snape responded flatly, he peered over at the creature and the little green twig tipped its head to the side and almost smiled at the tall man, Florence almost laughed- Who would've thought that Snape would have a... pet? Especially a clingy one.
"What's its name?" Florence asked, smiling at the creature as Snape rolled his eyes, "Juno- do you want fluxweed or not Ms. Jane?" he asked sharply, Florence snapped back into why she was there and nodded at the man who walked behind his desk and opened the door revealing a cupboard full of vials and bottles with shimmering and swirling liquids or objects.

Rummaging though he gathered the needed ingredients and handed them to Florence, whilst flicking his wand at a cauldron causing it to rock back and forth. "Thank you," Florence muttered as she headed towards the door, "Bye Juno!" Florence laughed but was shut off by the slam of the door, which only made her laugh harder. Florence continued to finish her batch and as the clock striked 5:00pm she gathered her jacket and satchel as well as the crate of potions and ascended the stairs, out into the cool night air. She had to walk out of the apparition wards, towards the entrance of the forest. She slowly walked with her wand in hand, wary of magical creatures or dangers. It was war after all.

Florence apparated to the hospital safehouse in Westminister. The large white house had invisibility apparition wards on it, meaning that one with permission could apparate onto the premises without being seen by muggles or people who should not be seeing it- people who did not have permission would set off alarms in the house and in places like Grimmauld Place and the March safehouse, as well as be exposed and trapped. Florence jogged up the white stairs onto the large porch and knocked on the door with one hand, and a crate of potions in the other . Before she could finish the door was opened and Fleur Delacour appeared, "Ah, Florence! It is lovely to see you!" she said, her French accent heavy, "Come een, come een!" she said and gave Florence a soft smile. Florence liked Fleur, though she knew that her and Bill were rumoured to have been together; though that didn't bother her as much as it should have due to Bills recent confession. Focus Florence!

"Fleur! It's lovely to see you too!" she smiled and the two women made their way into the house, "It iz potions, eh?" the blue eyed woman asked, and Florence nodded, lifting a crate of potions into the air. Fleur had been training in Healing as well as getting English experience at Gringotts- she remember Bill saying that. Florence. "Yes, a few new batches." Florence smiled and Fleur directed her into a  familiar room, the hospital safehouse's storage room. It was a medium sized room packed with extra potions, ingredients, equipment, clothing- anything any wizarding and muggle hospital would need. Florence levitated the crate onto the crowded table in the middle of the room. "Thank you, Florence for all thee help you geev uz! Et iz so appreciated!" Fleur smiled gratefully at the woman, Florence smiled and said her goodbyes, even checking in on some of the patients recovering there from the Orders last raid.

Florence once again apparated, this time back into Grimmauld Place- another Order meeting at 6pm and she was in a rush, she turned on her heel and apparated straight into the house- landing in the hallway outside of the conference room, also the dining room. One thing was though, she landed straight in front of a... dangling ear?

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