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The next morning was hectic, the Burrow was getting ready for an order meeting would take place there today. It was a warm day, and the teenagers were to go outside for the duration of the meeting.

A group of young adults groaned and sleepily got changed as there heads hurt and their breaths smelt of slight alcohol. Florence, now moved to an armchair, sat and watched as people rushed around and shouted, Molly making foods and placing them at the table. A book sprawled in her lap over the top of one of Molly's knitted blankets. "Molly are you sure there's nothing I can do to help?" Florence pleaded, and Mrs Weasley turned from where she was rolling some dough on her countertop, she sighed and sent the girl a sympathetic smile.

"If there was something you could do without injuring yourself too much!" Molly looked at the girl, her eyes deep in thought before she quickly untied her apron, the birds singing in the garden. Molly trotted over to the girl before pulling her wand out of her pocket, muttering a small charm and pointing it to the side of her neck. Molly took a deep breath before shouting "FRED! GEORGE!" and the sound bellowed throughout the now silent house, making Florence wince as it projected to the top of the house. Suddenly, sets of footsteps could be heard and a slightly terrified set of twins raced down the stairs, tripping as they came. "Yes- Yes Mum!" they breathed and Molly smiled at the boys.

"I need you to help me lift Florence onto the crutches." she said seriously, and Florences ears perked as she grinned. She was sure she heard some mischievous teasing along with a sigh of relief. Molly smiled at the girl, "It's been a few days now, so her wounds should be starting to hurt less and therefore she should be able to walk." The older woman explained.
The door to the bedroom in the corner opened and Bill and Charlie walked out, annoyed at the latter, and the younger brother plonked himself down on the couch with a slight scowl; presumably from his mother's shouting. "What were you lot talking about?" Charlie asked, as his head tipped back on the couch and he closed his eyes.
"I'm getting to go on the crutches today!" Florence smiled, and Bills face instantly lit up at her excitement. Charlie's head rocketed up and he grinned at Florence.

Molly smiled at her eldest son's expression, "Right!" she started, clapping her hands "You two can set up in the garden, please and Fred and George can you two help me with Florence?" Molly turned to the twins before being interrupted by a booming laugh.
Charlie's eyes were wide and he looked at his mother, "Mum- your asking them two to help you! Me and Bill will do it, we're much more responsible." Fred rolled his eyes at his brothers statement, but him and George both raced into the garden before Mrs Weasley could say anymore.

"Alright boys, come on then." she smiled and turned back to Florence, who removed the blanket to reveal a pair of slightly baggy red jeans and her plain white top which was tainted with the sight of the hidden bandages. Charlie jumped off the couch and skipped over to his friend, Bill sauntering behind him.
With a grin, Florence tried to push herself up off the chair but winced to herself and slowly dropped down back to the chair.
Molly frowned at the girl, "Are you okay dear?" she smiled, and Florence just lifted her head and plastered a smile on her face.
"Yeah no, i'm okay!" she reassured and Charlie rolled his eyes, "Don't be so stubborn, Flo" he scolded her and leant down to wrap an arm around her shoulders, he nodded at Bill and the tall boy came around the chair and slowly wrapped a firm arm around the girls waist. They both couldn't ignore the slight butterflies that flew around their hearts, making their breaths catch in their throats.

Florence took a deep breath in, and with Mrs Weasleys instructions, she carefully stood and before she knew it was grasping the crutches tightly with two tall Gingers carefully watching her, their arms out in front and behind her to assure she wouldn't fall. A small smile broke out across the blonde girls face and her head whipped up as Tonks and Zehra entered the room.

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