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12 Grimmauld Place was overcrowded. Bustling volunteers and mobs of ginger hair blurred the visions of its current residents. So, for the rest of her stay, Florence would go to the Burrow, along with the Weasleys, Charlie, Zehra, Tonks, Ethan and Bill.

She flung some of her last clothes into her extendable bag, the insides clinking as she reached further in, now at arms depth. "Woah, the hell?" Ethan walked in, standing in the doorway with his eyebrows reaching his hairline. "How you doing that?" He pointed to the bag, and Florences missing arm.
"It's an extendable char- Did you guys not get taught this stuff?" Florence asked, as she pulled her arm out the bag and stood up, a flash of recognition crossed Ethans eyes, and she chuckled.

"Anyway, I was told to come up and get you, Arthur and the Kids are going to leave first and then we will all go." Ethan said, walking backwards and eventually out the door of the large bedroom. Florence pulled her denim jacket over her shoulders and picked up the bag, rushing after Ethan.

Zehra and Tonks stood next to a small Mrs Weasley, who was stretching with all her might to reach her 6'8 sons hair. "Bill I really think we should cut it, it's getting impractical do you not think? What about the bank? Do they not care?" she gave up reaching and instead craned her neck at her son, who looked at his mother with a small smile. "No Mum, the bank don't care as long as I do the job." Bill groaned, "Yes, and bring lots of money!" Ethan chuckled as he walked in. "Yeah and that too," Bill grumbled, eyeing his friend. Mrs Weasley smiled at Ethan, stalking over to him, "See William, do you not think that Ethans length of hair would be-"
"Oh for Godrics sake Mum!" Bill flung his head back, his palms rubbing his face and Zehra and Tonks snorted with laughter.

"I quite like your hair!" Florence said, wandering in with rosy cheeks and a small grin. The blonde had on a small green and pink summer dress , with her usual Mary Jane shoes. She sat her jacket and bag down on the blanket covered couch and wandered over, standing between Molly and Tonks. "Oh, thanks." Bill smiled at the girl bashfully. Tonks spoke up, "Mrs Weasley do you not think you should be more concerned with the piercing and stuff?" an evil smirk graced the girls face and Bill gave her a warning look.
"Oh, Nymphadora you're right! He shouldn't do stuff like this to his poor mother!" Mrs Weasley ushered herself in front of her son to get a good look at him, it was Bills turn to smirk at the girl as she rolled her eyes at her full name. "Florence dear, what do you think of the fang?" Mrs Weasley asked.

Florences cheeks painted pink and she blinked a few times, contemplating how to answer the question. "I- uh... I quite like it." she mumbled. "Sorry love?" the woman asked again, "I like it?" Florence asked, avoiding Bills gaze as the two of them fidgeted or blushed. Molly smiled, moving out of the way in order for Bill to be standing in front of the girl, and turned to Zehra and Tonks, it was her turn to smile evilly. "Oh that cunning woman!" Zehra laughed, "Don't ever doubt her ways of matchmaking!" Tonks chuckled. Mrs Weasley was something.

"I didn't know Ethan was coming?" Florence asked, gazing up at Bill who stood tall with his shoulders back. "Yeah, well he asked my Mum. He said to her that he 'couldn't go a day without me' when really all he wants is her cooking." Bill sniggered, looking over at Ethan who was trying to escape his Mother's wrath as she slapped his arms, his arms up to protect him as he tripped over everything and anything.
Bill watched the girl as she laughed at the boy, her smile did truly light up a room. Her cheeks glowed and her eyes sparkled, he watched her and her uplifting laugh.
Molly turned from Ethan, to watch Bill as he laughed, his eyes trained on the girl in front of him. His eyes sparkled too, but because they were trained on her. His charming laugh and grin, and the way his eyes scrunched at the sides. He truly was handsome, and Molly was proud of him. More than she admitted, when Bill had gotten seriously cursed and hospitalised (a few times now) was terrifying for her. He was her rock; what kept her going when she was raising all of the children when Arthur was at work. Still, now she worried for all her children but Bill was always there for her, it was so hard for her when he went off to Egypt, her little boy, her eldest son, her support. Molly felt she would have gone insane without her eldest son, who would bustle around his siblings; changing nappies or calming tears, putting them to bed or taking them shopping. His calming words and reassuring smiles were what kept Molly running. He was heaven-sent and everyone around them knew that too. No one could ask for a better friend, son or sibling. A protective big brother, who they relied on to take the pressure or pain away, an eldest son that she relied on to do the exact same, and a caring and brave friend; someone who would do anything for anyone.

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