Chapter 21 - Parental Conditions

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"You did what!" Janus yelled as he began to look Remus over, making sure he wasn't injured in any way. His hands fretted over his son's body, eyes terrified in a way Roman had never seen before. He felt something in his heart, something missing that he had pushed back for far too long. It was the way his dad used to care for him. Janus was searching for injury, burns, anything that might show him that his son was faking the smile that had been on his face. Roman's own father had been that attentive, maybe not as frantic, but still filled with that much love.

Even where Janus was satisfied, he still held his hands over Remus' arms, torn between hugging him and shaking him. Roman had missed that look of protectiveness in his own family. When he had been injured his mother would tell him to brush it off, tell him that prince's didn't cry over trivial and minor injuries. Janus did the opposite, looking for injuries that weren't even there. Roman did his best to not curl into himself.

Remus had let Janus fret, but as his father seemed to settle a bit, Roman watched as his brother puffed up his chest, ready to defend himself. "Yeah... I just wanted-"

"I don't want an explanation," Janus cut him off. His voice was sad, scared, and mildly irritated. The moment he saw the look on Remus' face though, he deflated. "You could have gotten maimed, or killed, and you didn't even leave a note, Remus, what would have happened if I woke up and found that you just disappeared?" He grabbed Remus' face, looking him deep in the eyes, hoping that his son fully understood what he was asking. This moment felt like an intimate one between father and son, and Roman felt the need to disappear into the background.

"Actually, I-" Logan started but Janus cut him off with a glare. He wasn't meant to be a part of this conversation, not yet, so he fell silent. Everyone was silent.

"I'm sorry," Remus whispered, turning his eyes down to the floor and Janus immediately relaxed, only a little bit. There were no words, no stories of why this had been for the greater good. Janus looked like he was now expecting a story but instead he just pulled Remus into a tight hug.

"I am proud of what you have done and who you are. Your sense of freedom and justice are what I hoped to instill in you but there was a reason I told you not to go after this." He took a slow breath, "I couldn't risk loosing you. Please tell me you understand. You and Patton are the only family I have left, I'm not going to risk that, nothing in the world is worth me risking that. If I could have a thriving dragon civilization, or I could have you, I would choose you every time."

Roman watched as his brother was held by Janus, as if letting go might make him disappear. Roman hated to admit it, but he was jealous. He understood now what Janus had meant back then. Roman might have gotten the jewels, the education, the finer things of life, but his life had been so hollow. Ever since his dad's death, warmth had been almost completely absent from his life. Logan was probably the only exception until he came here. How much more did his people need him to bring that warmth back to the kingdom?

"Sorry dad, I just... I am going to go with Roman, and I didn't want to abandon you without... without leaving something else." He wrapped his own arms around Janus, holding his dad close. "And now I'm like you, now I can be part of your family."

Janus obviously had a lot to say. He was quiet as he tried to figure out what was the most important part to cover; his mouth opened and closed on it's own, aborting so many conversations that never got the change to start. Finally he whispered, "You've always been a part of my family Remus, you didn't need dragon fire for that." He rubbed his son's back, letting out a slow sigh. "Never doubt that you are my son." They both fell quite again, just holding one another for a while.

After a few minutes, Janus finally pulled away, brushing a lock of hair out of Remus' face before completely messing up his hair anyway.

"You are in so much trouble for this, but you are also an adult so you can make your own decision, but you do realize this changes things?"

Remus tilted his head to the side. There was a flash of fear in his eyes as he listened to what his father said. Roman knew it was unwarranted, but he couldn't say that, not right now. This wasn't a conversation he should have even been privy to.

"You are a proper dragon now, I'm going to have to teach you how to control your powers and strength. Oh gods, it's going to be like having a teenager all over again." Janus let out a dramatic sigh, putting the back of his hand on his forehead, peaking out from under his arm to smile at his son.

Remus let out a releaved giggle and laugh. "Yes! And then where there are more dragons, you can teach them!"

"If you can prove that you have control of your powers, then I will allow you to teach other people, but it is going to be a while before I feel comfortable allowing you to be a teacher." Janus sighed, finally stepping away and looking at the rest of the group. "I am not happy at the two of you for encouraging him, however, you are all home safely so I will push aside my ire for now. I am sure you are hungry, let me make you breakfast while you clean up. Off now." He took the relic box from Remus, holding it carefully while the others shuffled away. Roman let out a shaky breath, turning to look at Janus, wanting to say something before he decided against it and walked off.

He left Janus and Patton alone in the main room. Janus looked down at the box, letting out a slow and long sigh.

"Don't be too mad at them Jannie," Patton said, wrapping his arms around Janus' neck, standing behind him.

"I know," He whispered, staring down at the item he hadn't even thought was real. "I am mostly just worried. Remus could have really been hurt, but what's worse, if he's going off to the castle, he could still be in danger. You heard Roman's tales about twins, and you know Remus very much goes with his own flow. Not to mention as a dragon he will now be more vulnerable in his human form. I trained him for years but... I still don't feel safe letting him leave. I understand I'm just being protective."

"Virgil was with them and will continue to be. You know he is sworn to protect Roman as a follower and the rightful heir to the throne. Also, this was the first time Remus really went out on his own and went against your wishes. I think it's good for him to be defining his own moral structure." Patton began to draw small circles on Janus' back, attempting to work out the knots and tension that had built up here. "As for his weaknesses, you trained him. I think he will be okay.

"You are too soft on him," Janus whispered, leaning into Patton's touch. His husband almost always got his way, because Janus was soft for his gentle voice and caring touches.

Patton didn't respond, at least not verbally to Janus' comment, maintaining his soft and even pressure.

"I'm going to miss him, when he runs off with Roman."

His husband let out a hum, "Well, we always have my glamour spells, I somehow doubt that you aren't going to visit him at least once a week."

"I have things here that need to be protected, and, if Remus has his way, a whole brood of hatchlings... well, older than hatchlings but far from full dragons that we will need to take care of."

"And I'm sure we can find a house sitter," Patton gently took Janus' face, pulling it to look at his own. "Your son is changing, the world is changing, wouldn't it be nice to see if we could change with it?"

Janus leaned in and kissed Patton softly, turning so that he was face to face with his husband. "I don't know, but I am willing to try," He smiled weakly, learning into Patton's hand as cool air from the cave entrance blew past them. "Let's go ahead and start making breakfast for those miscreants, and maybe after that, we can discuss what a future of change means for us."

"Proper communication is all I could ask for." Patton gave him a peck on the lips back, causing Janus to smile lightly.

The two walked towards the kitchen, arm in arm. They didn't need to exchange words between them, didn't need to try to parse out everything that would change with Remus leaving and with the artifact he had found. That would all come later. For the time being, they were able to just hold one another, and support each other into the unknown.

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