Chapter 3 - Broken Mirror

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Roman was woken from his sleep by a knock on the door. He wasn't sure what time it was but the whole room was still dark. Normally, the sun should already be filtering through his curtains, rousing him slowly. Instead, it seemed as if the light was responding to his consciousness. As he began to feel more awake, the lights began to brighten, never so bright that it hurt his eyes or head. It was a rather pleasant experience and it caused him to look around in confusion at the change.

He wasn't in his bedroom. This was different. This was... the cave.

Roman groaned lightly, looking up at the canopy on the bed. He remembered where he was, and he was torn between how comfortable the bed and the room were, and the fact that he couldn't leave. He let out a heavy sigh before he heard the knocking again, it was surprisingly gentle for how clear the noise was. Apparently, magic was used a lot more readily here than in the palace. It made sense, if dragons had as much control over magic as his books said, this whole place could have been made just by the one dragon he saw. Going to the door, Roman noticed there was no lock on it. Did the mark on his wrist also prevent him from running away? He should have asked more about it when he first made the deal.

"Good Morning Prince of Nevarci," the dragon was standing at the door, a slight smirk on his face and Roman didn't like it. He had never liked it when people stood over him as if they were superior. He was the representative of his country and his people. He was their hopes and dreams. He was supposed to be their future king.

Except, he wasn't anymore.

"You are allowed to call me Roman, that is my name."

"You hadn't introduced yourself as such," his smirk only grew and the anger that had dissipated welled in his stomach once again. This dragon was an asshole, and the worst part was, he had the strength to back it up. Never before had Roman felt so lost and weak. He wanted to be the brave fighter he was supposed to be, but he wouldn't even be able to land a punch.

"I have something I want to show you Roman, or rather, someone."

So he wasn't the first to be kidnapped by the dragon. Were all of them like this? Predators that hunted down people, took them in against their will? Then again, Roman was the one that hunted him down. He was the one that made a deal with Janus.

"But it looks like you might want to get changed first. There should be a few items in your wardrobe that will fit you. You'll just have to look through the different sizes. I will be out here when you are done, please do hurry, I get bored of waiting."

"Yes sir," Roman muttered, rolling his eyes before closing the door again and walking over to the wardrobe he hadn't noticed last night. There were a lot of things he hadn't noticed the night before, the wardrobe, the canopy over the bed, the writing desk, and a small bookshelf filled with different books, all showing a different age. He thought dragons hoarded gold, so what was with the book collection? Was it anything valuable? Why hadn't he asked for gold and jewels then?

Roman shook the thought off. He didn't actually care that much, he was just stalling, not wanting to make his way back out to the monster waiting for him, but eventually, he didn't have much of a choice.

"I want you to know I am unhappy with these arrangements." He exited the room wearing something far less regal than what he had come in.

"Really? What is it that you do not approve of?"

"Many things, including the fact that you are holding me hostage."

"Well, a deal is a deal."

"Yes, yes, I'm aware," Roman said with a flourish of his hand. "I am here until you decide you tire of me and eat me."

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