EIGHTEEN - Bottle up tears

Start from the beginning

She looked down to see sasuke and smiled but didnt do anything else which made tenma blinked.

She turned backa t the railings - ignoring the boy. Just now tenma only had noticed that the girl had slight change.

She looked more thinner and her eyes looked tired and her usual smile wasnt marked on her face.

He had notice her attire was a black plain yukata and her short hair was tied into low ponytail though despite that her hair looked like it hasnt been touch for days and had only tied into a piece. "Neh? Miko where have you for the days?" He went beside the girl eyeing the view infront of him.

The girl didnt respond that made the boy sigh, "Everyone is worried about you know? Akane-san misses you and shindou's injury is now better!" He smiled.

For a while of no respond tenma felt that something was wrong it her. Eyeing her features he has slowly realizing more that the girl looked sad.

The girl finally moved to fidget her finger, she snort a sob "Thats great" She said her voicr craking. Her sound of voice made the boy look at her worried, her reply was like a cry and she trying hold her tears.

Slightly looking up she saw that the girl looked like she had finished crying, his lips downed - "Miko..? Are you okay?"

"You look not fine is there something wrong" He comforted but the girl only turned her head in the opposite direction refusing to look at him.

"..were friends right?" She stopped her quiets sobs, "Do you want to talk about it?"

It was silent between them but miko's head turned to face the boy, he smiled finally getiing her to face him.

In the most soft voice she replied, "Can i?" Tenma nodded at this as she sigh heavily.

"My amma in my father side.. passed away" She finally let out a sob out loud. Tenma blinked and widden his eyes looking at the girl with sadness in his eyes.

"She passed away in her sleep the night of the finals... her death really hit me.." Tenma could see miko face screams sadness but the girl let out no tears.

"She was like one of the person i had growing up.. my parents were not always by my side and nainai would always make the time to visit me"

"She was the one who gifted me chirou and i really love her" She sobbed, "Now that shes gone.. i feel like shit beacuse i wasnt able to visit her in her last moments and i havent even said my last good bye." She choked out the words.

She wiped her mouth and sniffing her nose slighty, "im sorry.. im being too emotional righ-"

"What?" The boy voice made her eye him suprised, "You lost your love one miko.. you can cry dont say sorry for showing emotions." He grabbed the girl shoulder.

Her next sentece made the world repeat its air. "Am i even allowed to?" Tenma looked at her suprised. "I dont think i have to cry.. after im just a..-"

"Miko! Stop!" He shouted which made her eyes peaked "Stop acting like you dont deserve simple human reactions!" His one word made the girl looked at him suprised.

This were one of first time she had felt the feeling again - the feeling of being a real human. "Please stop looking yourself down! Im sure your grandma woudnt like to see you act like that"

Its true amma probably knows by now that i wasnt a real human.. shes probably disgusted seeing all she had did and was will she do. She felt like disgusted to herself even more.

With that the restarted the time.


Miko stop being a amphiaraus kinnie>:|

Anyways! Season one is finished cant wait to show more about miko in chrono stone:D

(This chapter may or may not inspired by a true story in my life that i totally didnt use to coping mechanism)



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