Chapter Twenty-Seven: The schemer in manipulations and lilies

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"As much as I love devious plans and the fact that you have become such a manipulative little glitch is very interesting to me, I would have to pass."

"Why?" I groaned. In a spur of the moment thinking, I dropped down on my knees and acted as if I was worshipping him. "Prithee, dashing young lad, and spare this damsel in distress your grace and benevolence."

Valentin paused for a moment before hollering in laughter. "Loss of hearing, empathy, and the ability to speak normally in exchange for a brain's normal thinking- Oh Marcella, this is hardly even a bargain. You have been scammed."

I angrily stood up and threw one of my shoes at him. To my disappointment, he easily evaded the leathered footwear projectile.

"I have a good reason to decline," He raised his hands in faux surrender. "I am to ask my sister out since the little prince has already a partner and if I recall correctly is the same girl that you are trying to make me ask out."

"Ask the heroine out and then Cedric loses a partner. Cedric becomes available for Viveca, Percival asks the heroine you dumped and everyone gets to live happily ever after! Can't you just cooperate?"

"My dearest, Marcella," Valentin tutted. "You seem to forget that I have no care for however your life ends here. I am not to be a factor in this fictional world, you must remember. Whether you live or die by my sword is hardly my concern. I guess it has been my laidback attitude to you that you keep forgetting that fact. Must I unsheathe my sword right here and just chop your head off right now?"

I glared at him. "You are insufferable."

Valentin smirked. "Insufferable to you, perhaps, but in my job, I have been employee of the century for how many millennia. You are not the first to get cheeky with me." He spoke as his eyes wandered off for a second to a distant memory before returning to his normal unhurried expression.

"I hope you get sucked by a black hole."

"If I do get sucked, you will be sucked too since black holes suck everything."

"Ugh!" I groaned in frustration and was about to retort but someone knocked at my door.

"Ah, it was nice seeing you again, Marcella. Time for me to go." Valentin said.

"Wait, I wasn't done talking to you-"

With a snap, Valentin disappeared in front of me. I was flabbergasted at the sudden exit.

Knock! Knock!

My senses returned and I hurried to open my door.

"Who is it . . . Jamie?"

In front of me was the orange haired boy dressed neatly while clasping a bouquet of lilies clasped with both hands. He was fidgeting more so than normal and his feet couldn't stay still as they softly shifted one foot to another. It was apparent that he was nervous, but for what reason?

"Jamie?" I asked again with more concern.

"Oh, um, Marcella!" He spoke apprehensively.

"What brings you here?"

"I-I don't have much time before Cedric looks for me so," With unfaltering eyes and a brilliant smile, he steadied his shaky self. The trace of his previous nervousness was but a memory as he confidently asked. "Will you go to the Spring soiree with me?"

I was taken aback for a moment before focusing my gaze on him again. He has grown taller than me but his face still looks as innocent and puerile as ever. One look at those clear purple eyes and I could not even find it in myself to refuse him. Besides, no one else asked me anyway so why not?

Without even thinking much, I nodded and smiled at him. "It's a pleasure to go with you, Jamie."

Jamie's movement paused as if he was processing what I have just said. Then he suddenly smiled wider than ever and looked very ecstatic. "Really, Marcella?"

"Yes, Jamie." I laughed at his excitable actions.

"Uh, um," He awkwardly stood there before noticing that he was still holding the bouquet in his hands. Realizing that, he clumsily handed them towards me, forcing me to hold on to them. "I-I gotta go!"

Staring at Jamie's back as he ran enthusiastically through the corridors, I slowly realized what I just got myself into. Really, Marcella? Going to the party with a capture target? I closed my door and was about to facepalm but realized that I was holding on the flowers.

However, despite the confusion of the events that just transpired, the white lilies in my hand definitely alleviated my sour mood.

Jamie Wellings is such an adorable boy


A/N: HEY THERE EVERYONE! I don't really have much to say except for the fact that I am so glad I have found Valentin again! The little rascal was hiding behind a mountain of unwritten drafts, I had to dig him out just to see him again. Anyway, this is one pretty long chapter and I was even debating with myself whether to just cut it out into two parts but decided not to because y'all deserve long chapters for waiting so long! *throwing virtual cookies to everyone* 

I also made sure Cedric was not appearing in this chapter because boy oh boy does he not deserve to be in my pages for a couple of moments.

Cedric: But you wrote me this way?!
Author: I know. Still your fault.
Cedric: What? This is injustice. This is treason against royalty!
Author: Watchu gon do about it? Cry to your mommy? Oh wait! I AM YOUR PARENT!
Cedric: T^T

Moving on from that mini theater, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, make sure to leave me a like and let me know your thoughts in the comments. Follow me too to give me extra serotonin LMAO JK I am not forcing everyone to do those things but can't lie that it does feel good. Well, that's all for this chapter and I hope to see you next week!

Stay safe and stay hydrated!


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