Drunk England's Opinion...

863 54 19

Mads: *hops over England, who is drinking at a bar* Hey Iggybrows!

England: H-Hello Mads *drunk as all hell*

Mads: I have a question for you!

England: What the bloody...*hic* hell is it?

Mads: What do you think about the ship UsUk?

England: W-Well... I-I do love Alfred. He's like the flying mint bunny to my eye *hic* brows. But then there's France and I can't neglect France... He's like the Leprechaun to my pot of gold I think...or is it silver... I don't bloody know anymore.. but to the UsUk thing... I wuvvvvvvvvvvv it~~~~~~

Mads: that... was interesting... oh and igg?

England: Wut?

Mads: Catholic or Prodestant ((I'm sorry for my spelling on that word I have no idea how the hell to spell it if some one does please help and I'll fix it.)) ?

England: *goes crazy*

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