Chapter II.III

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The Darkling had Alina Starkov ushered away immediately. A Healer's kefta was thrown around her, likely to have her blend in with the rest of us. She was forced then into the General's black coach by Ivan. I gave him a look, advising nonverbally him to be kind. He rolled his eyes before following Alina inside as Fedyor stepped up next to me.

I sighed, "You seem glad." He glanced at me as a grin broadened on his face.

"We found our Sun Summoner." Fedyor chuckled a little while speaking. I shook my head at his words as he began to order around some oprichniki who were just watching the scene in front of us. He turned back to squeeze me a little too tight before stepping into the carriage behind Ivan. The carriage lurched forward, following a company of guards on horseback. In a few days, they would reach the safe walls encircling the Little Palace, and the Sun Summoner would be trained to eliminate the Fold. I was glad that she was found, it meant that the pressure would no longer fall on me as selfish as that was. Her power was an indisputable way of closing the monstrosity, while mine was not. I still had the burden of being named Queen of the Grisha, though, to my knowledge, that was only spoken by those residing in the Little Palace.

Footsteps approached from the doorway I was standing in front of. Zoya came up to hug me, saying that she would ride ahead with some others to scout. We bid one another farewell as she hopped on her horse, then galloped toward the camp's exit. Aleksander loomed at my side.

"Congratulations, General," I spoke. I pivoted away from the trail my friends had made and toward him. He was skimming the ground, but he seemed uneasy despite his placid demeanor. His fists clenched, then eased when I tucked my hands into the front of my cloak and stepped closer. Aleksander had been subtler with his emotions for some time now, especially while I was in his vicinity. There could be numerous reasons for it, but, again, he would never voice them outright.

The General offered me a nod. His way of saying thank you, I guessed. You're welcome. As I watched his face, his eyes wandered across people bustling around us.

He inhaled deeply before murmuring, "Follow me."

I did as I was told, primarily perplexed about his plans or intentions. We trudged through the mud until we arrived at a covered stable. It was clearly for Grisha horses as the midnight, black steed Aleksander rode was tethered in a stall.

"Get on," he sounded, unlocking the stall door.

"Are we going on a ride? Now?" I asked, taking a single step forward and out of a stablehand's way.

The General lifted a brow. "No. We are going to follow the convoy." After the stablehand placed the horse's saddle on his back he moved aside, allowing Aleksander to swing his leg over the horse. He led our ride out into an open space and now held out his bare hand. I grasped it with a sigh, hooking my boot into a stirrup. I pushed his cloak out of the way to hold his waist as he continued out of the enclosed space.

Once we were on the main road that led out of camp, Aleksander coerced the horse into a gallop. "You enjoy the attention, don't you?" I hummed against his back after noticing the soldiers observing us ride away.



We made it to the woods a couple of miles out of Kribirsk just as chaos erupted between the trees. I clutched Aleksander's abdomen tighter as we rode faster toward the noise. Guns firing and people hollering resounded across the open stretch of road. Muted red and blue blurs weaved through the forest as smoke arose far in front of them. As we neared the scene, a faint streak of red was being dragged across the dying grass.

"Alina is wearing red, right?! There!" I called, tapping his shoulder before pointing in her general direction.

The horse veered off the path and evaded low-hanging branches before slowing down in an exposed clearing. I let go of the General, pushing off his back and the saddle, before tumbling off the back of the horse. The momentum rolled me backward, but I regained my balance quickly and shot up to take off toward the girl. A man with matted hair and fur clothing hauled through the open field. Aleksander gracefully slid off the horse as the shadows of the trees extended toward him, their tendrils of darkness licking his heels.

The Cut, I thought. We advanced in tandem. Hands raised, both of us calling upon the power we possessed manufacturing thin slivers of something material. I slowed upon nearing him, ready to unleash my glass blade beside his dark one. The man now straddled Alina, lifting an ax high above his head. The area was enveloped in The Darkling's shade as if it were dusk, yet flecks of dust glittered with radiant, white light. The scenery made the situation all the more unnerving. Alina's attacker tilted his head back toward the both of us, his lips moved as he mumbled his last words. At the same beat in time, Aleksander and I sliced our hands through the stuffy air, freeing both of our blades in synch. They bolted towards the figure, successfully striking the man, but did not dissipate instantly. They collided. Shattering mine into tiny fragments before both faded into the atmosphere.

I stumbled, feeling unexpectedly lightheaded as a searing pain emitted from my stomach. I released a shriek of pain that caught my equal's attention. My hand grasped at the invisible wound as my legs gave way for the soil to confront me. Aleksander seized me in time, sinking to his knees to hold me.


Her glossy hair clung to her face, stuck with sweat that had formed. She grew fairer and all the heat fled her body. Please, not again, echoed in my mind.

"Milaya, stay with me! What's wrong?!" I rushed, checking her for blood and open wounds. There was none. In her daze, Katyia was able to touch my arm. She then weakly dragged it to her stomach, wincing in discomfort from contact. I forced myself to remain as calm as possible while yanking her kefta apart in order to expose her skin. Upon doing so, I witnessed a black blotch tainting her perfect flesh like an infection. The darkness contorted around itself before seeping into her veins within a blink of an eye.

The blotch was gone after I glanced back at her face. Katyia's head lulled, eyes rolling in and out of consciousness. I shook her awake and then crouched to haul her into my arms.

"Ivan! Fedyor!" I yelled into the treeline, now standing. With a little bit of focus, sunlight returned just as the Heartrenders emerged in full sprint. They both ran toward me before Fedyor took off to check on the Sun Summoner. "Keep her alive," I ordered Ivan. Her labored breaths and racing heart settled to their usual slower rhythm after Ivan's hands hovered over her chest.

The initial panic ceased within me and solace passed briefly. Both were replaced with guilt. She had been harmed because of me. Though it was an accident, I still deemed that I was the cause in some form or fashion. There was no research or rules when it came to utilizing the Cut. I had known no other that could perform it besides my mother, and I had no reason to believe that a collision would cause such a thing.

I kissed her forehead before leaving her with Ivan in the carriage. He would bring her back, with Fedyor, to the Little Palace, while I escorted the Sun Summoner and protect her myself. I would rather have traveled with Katyia, but she had the capacity to protect herself. Not in her current state perhaps, but in general. The newly discovered Grisha was not able to.

And so I pulled myself away, letting go of my emotions to do what needed to be done as I always did. With each step, the tether stretched between us but never snapped, no matter how far away she got. We would forever be linked. Through the good and the bad, and when the monster that currently sat dormant inside me threatened to consume me. I always would be hers, and she would remain mine. For as long as we lived. Though, I doubt she would agree after all that I have done.

A hunched figure sat at the base of a stump. And with an outstretched hand, I uttered the words, "You ride with me."

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