Chapter II.I

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I left Os Kervo in hopes that the Little Palace would become my home. It was an opportunity to start anew in anew despite the calm life I had back home. Instead, it had become my prison. The oprichniki trailed me every minute of every day without fail. Multiple guards waited at all the exits close to my room, which has been moved away from the other Grisha and closer to the Darkling's quarters. Fantastic, I had thought. Now I can see my warden more often. That was also true. He frequented my room, attempting to coax me into speaking with him. I refused every time; instead, I sat in my overly extravagant room, resembling his own, reading some book that he gave me to study. I offered no eye contact and no responses.

It had been a little more than a year since I first arrived in the east and a year since I had last seen my family. The sun was now enveloped by clouds, as the wind began to blow cold once again. The war raged on across the country, and winter was only coming to make it worse. I knew very little of the Second Army happenings but I did know that my friends Mishka and Nafiza attempted to get in contact with me on multiple occasions. The Darkling would make an appearance and dangle their letters in front of me, promising to hand them over if I cooperated. I did not, as much as I wanted to. They were sent away to the southern borders a short time later. The days were all the same for me for about seven months until one afternoon.

The Darkling rounded a corner of the palace with Fedyor and Ivan in toe, as always. The oprichniki guarding me bowed at his presence. "Leave us. Fedyor and Ivan stay," he commanded. The men saluted before marching off toward the Little Palace. I glanced at Fedyor, who gave me a sympathetic look, only not to speak, and then look at his boots. I did not greet them, irritated by Fedyor's poor attempt at communication. The General sighed with hints of despair before continuing.

"We are traveling to the Fold for the debut of a new skiff. You will be going to the Shu Han border with Zoya to check in with the troops stationed at Poliznaya before joining us." I nodded with a shrug of my shoulders. He rolled his eyes before dismissing the Heartrenders; there was a beat of silence as they wandered off. I watched them leave, dismissing the stare that the Darkling gave me. "I am trying, my love. But you have to give me something in return."

I ground my teeth. "Do not call me that. And haven't I given you enough? You have my power to use as you please, do you not?"

"I have never asked you for power, nor have I acted as such. I want you to be my equal. It is not my intention to use you as a weapon."

A frustrated smirk pulled at my lips. "I am your prisoner," I spat. "And have been since we left Fjerda." He had no rebuttal and simply stated my assignment as he left, signaling the guards to return as my escorts. I rolled my eyes and balled my fists. The nerve of that man, I thought, before pulling myself together. I clasped my hands in front of my kefta and took a breath before returning inside the palace.


A captain had briefed me on the trip hours before our departure. The whole thing was not noteworthy. Thankfully, there were no enemies in our way and we made it to Poliznaya in a short time. We spent only two days in the drab military base, and the entire time I grumbled to Zoya about being highly overdressed. The soldiers eyed me up and down from the moment I stepped out of the carriage.

"Why he insists I resemble a royal painting, I have no idea." I wore a luxurious, winter kefta adorned with rows of emeralds. It tugged the ground, along with the black, fur-lined cloak that matched only the Darkling's. He forced me to wear a plethora of gold jewelry that he had gifted to me. He stated it was to "distract people" from the glaringly apparent amplifier that jutted out of my chest.

Zoya glared at a group of passing soldiers, who were watching me. "You look better than I do," she groaned, dusting the dirt off of her field kefta.

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