Epilogue: I'z Da Biggest Boss Dat Ever Lived!

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Author's Note: So here we are, the grand finale of my first story!!! It's been a long journey, and it's time for it to end. After this, it's gonna be update time for a lot of long neglected books. So hope you all enjoy.

Crucible continent. Y/N's POV.

After the resounding victory over Tai at Mistral, my horde and I immediately got over to the other side of the globe to deal with the remaining Grimm and whatever was left of Cinder's allies and her mistress. Ozpin had told me about Salem, and how she wanted to destroy everything on this Earth, and replace it with unending hordes of Grimm. But I could feel a deeper understanding behind Salem's motivations, and that was because Ozpin, or his real name Ozma, had taken Salem's children from her out of fear or something like that.

I didn't try attacking Ozpin because I wanted to give him the sense that I was still on his side. Oz seemed to still think I was fighting for his cause, even if it was readily apparent that all me and my Orks wanted was a good scrap. But enough of a dis backloggin' mukkin' about! Let'z get krushin'!!!

"Now dat's an' impressive lookin' fort! To bad we'z gotta kick it over! CHAAAAARGE!!!!!" I roared out as my horde barreled up towards Salem's castle, bellowing out WAAAGH! And sweeping any Grimm aside. The larger Grimm were able to put up a stronger fight, but the Beast Snagga Boyz started dragging them down with sheer numbers and strength. Nothing guarded the entrance into the inner keep of Salem's Castle, so with nothing stopping me, I bashed open the doors with no care to anyone or anything that stood directly behind the door.

My stomping feet shook the glass of the windows, with some outright breaking from the violent stomps as I smashed and crushed my way down the corridor of the Castle, with no care in the world about any artifacts or priceless objects I destroyed in the process. Salem's Grimm scattering away from me like rats from light, only in this case, from the unrelenting tide of green muscle and violence as more of my Orks spilled into the Castle corridors, killing any Grimm they found, and wrecking anything they say, although that last part is mostly by accident.

I didn't stop, I couldn't stop even if I wanted to because the WAAAGH! energy that was beginning to seethe and slither it's way across that castle filled me with deranged fury and bloodlust as I continued ripping Grimm into nothing more than limbless blobs of torn-up flesh and bone. Soon, all that remained was Salem, the Queen of the Grimm. With a mighty kick, the large doors that lead to her throne room broke off their hinges, with Salem sitting shamefully on her throne, looking as though she had expected me to come.

I simply huffed before she spoke, "So...the mighty Ork Warboss that I've been told so much about is willing to be Ozpin's lapdog? What is it he promised you for destroying me? A piece of Remnant for you and your horde? The glory that would come with killing the Queen of the Grimm and the greatest threat to Remnant? A chance for you to make me submit to your will and serve at your beak and call?!" Salem spat out, though in my usually, uncaring manner, I ignored her words before speaking, "Dat 'wizard' or 'wis-zard', ain't given me an' me Boyz nofhin'! Cause we'z don' need anyfing, just a gud scrap ta get us ready fer da Big WAAAGH! Yoo'z iz just sumfing dat we'z gotta kill, an' da same go'z fer yer wis-zard friend. 'E ain't da boss, 'E neva 'as been!" I roared.

"Well...if your going to kill me, then why are you waiting?" Salem asked me. At this point, I closed the battered doors after reattaching them to their hinges, then turned to human form, "Perhaps because I want to help you." I stated, surprising the Grimm Queen, "Y-you what?!" I walked right up to her throne and took one of her hands into my own and stared into her crimson eyes, "I may not have been around for very long, but I know the cause of your world domination scheme. Because Ozma stole your children away from you out of fear of what you might turn them into, or something like that, I don't really know or care what his cause for that is. What I do know is that having family taken from you is one of if not the most painful experience anyone could go through. Believe me. I know of it far too well."

Da Biggest Boss Dat Ever Lived! Abused Ork-Human Hybrid Male Reader X RwbyWhere stories live. Discover now