Chapter 22

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Kingdom of Mistral. Y/N's POV.

After the rampage through Vale and it's surrounding area, me and my horde had chased Tai and the remainder of his and Cinder's army of sorts all the way to the Kingdom of Mistral, where Tai, Shadowsun, and Farsight had retreated into the wilderness. I sent out Kill Teams of Grots and Kommando's to scout out the area, with Snikrot leading the way. The T'au had created a makeshift fortress out of the school and the area surrounding the rest of the city, but we were able to find that the T'au weren't able to protect all of their defenses, they didn't have the troops or the supply to keep them maintained.

We had the numbers, and we had the strength to be able to break through and savagely murder anyone we find inside that's a T'au or a Grimm. And to make matter for them even worse, the T'au and the Grimm didn't really get along with each other, making cooperation a real chore for their commands, and for Tai as he tried to muster his dwindling army into a real fighting force to finally, and I quote, 'teach that pathetic, disobedient child of mine to accept that I am his better and he is nothing, nothing without me or his horde of barbarians', yeah right, we'll see about that old man, we will see on this very day if that is true!

(Timeskip) Late evening, the time for Reckoning.

Using the cover of darkness to our advantage, Me, Ghazghkull, and the other bosses creeped closer to the outer defenses, with Snikrot and his Red-Skull Kommandos taking out any sentries that would give us away to soon. I remained in my Kommando form as to not let us lose the element of surprise, but that would soon change once we were close enough to charge, and then the fun begins. My Orks held tight grips to their weapons, their eagerness to kill was biting away at them, especially as we got closer and closer, but the Mek Gunz at the back would be what wakes the T'au and Grimm with their thundering fire storm of zappy explosions.

Once we make a breach, the Killa Kanz and Dreads would follow up behind us, and any form of resistance would be lost as we made our way further into the city. After we breach the outer defenses, the school will be all that remains to keep Tai and the rest of his pathetic allies safe until I kick in those shitty walls he hides behind!

As we moved in closer, I ordered my horde to hold, waiting for Snikrot and his Kommandos to light the defenses with explosions and mindless destruction. I spotted Snikrot and the Kommando's sneaking closer to the enemy position, before Snikrot gave me a hand signal. A Grot holding a radio box with a red button saw the signal and pushed the red button.

Soon, unbridled destruction took place as the ammo and weapons storages exploded, wreaking most of the munitions and equipment the T'au had. And in the flashes of light, the T'au spotted us so close to their lines, but we're to late to react in time as me and my horde roar out our battle cries and charged into the crumbled defenses, where the T'au fought hard to keep us back, but it was no use.

The Grimm weren't much help either as they're massive teeth and claws were no were close to being sharp enough to actually crush or even break through the thick metal plate armor that many of my Orks had bolted onto their bodies, and simply lead themselves to the slaughterhouse. Having no regard for the lives of our enemies, my horde killed and destroyed anything that was stupid enough to surrender or plead for mercy. I simply continued smashing and killing, not bothering to listen to any of the chaos that had consumed the battlefield.

I came here for one thing and one thing only. And that was...REVENGE!!! I didn't suffer all those years of abuse and torture and simply not kill all those who tormented me, and I wasn't going to stop the killing with Yang and let Tai's ass get off the chain, Scott-free!!! Soon, I reached the Academy entrance, where the rest of the Grimm and T'au had retreated, and got ready for the inevitable onslaught. But we wouldn't attack the way they thought we would, which usually would have been charging head long into the enemy guns and overwhelm them with sheer weight of numbers...which is kinda what we were gonna do anyway, BUT! We're gonna do it, using the good ol' reliable taktik of sending in the Dread Mobz first, followed up by the MegaNobz and Flash Gitz to confirm the breakthrough.

Da Biggest Boss Dat Ever Lived! Abused Ork-Human Hybrid Male Reader X RwbyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang