Chapter 9 (Tyler)

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I walk in my home, and immediately I feel

calm. What a day? I honestly can't wait for

work tomorrow, being around my kids allow

me to express emotions I try to hide from the

world. When I look at them, I can't help but

want to protect them with everything in me.

How do people find it in their heart to hurt

precious, innocent kids? I place my stuffs on

the counter, flip the light switches and set my

water in the bath. Took my phone and attach it

to my home system, then select my go to

playlist. The soothing voice of Beres Hammond

seep through the house, as I strip down to my

birthday suit. I left the bathroom to grab a

bottle of Sweet Walters and pour myself a

glass. As I lower my body in the bath, I can feel

all the tensions leaving my body. I sip my wine

to relax and reflect on my day. I can't tell the

last time I curse someone out, and first it was

Mike, Jen, and King. Ohhh that King, for him

to ask me that question, urghhh! Why couldn't

I just control myself? Now, I have to live with

that weak moment forever. The he have the

nerve to bother me then get mad at me when I

responded. I don't know why it bothered me so

much the way he talked to me, but it did. As I

lay in this bath with tears running down my

face, I can't help but smile, because I've come a

long way.
​          Apart from today, I've been doing great.

What I've been through will kill most people. I

don't work because I have to, I work because I

love what I do. If I didn't I wouldn't own three

Day Care all over New York, and currently

working on another in New Jersey. Just seeing

my kids playing, smiling and living out their

childhood is heartwarming, and I'll do

everything in my power to protect them. I

refuse to let anyone steal their childhood, and

rob them of their innocent. Also, I have a non-

profit organization that not only represents

those who's been abuse some form of way, but

assure them that they're "Victors not Victims".

Couple times out of the month I would attend

events and share my story. Took me a while to

do so, but with the help of God, my therapist

and Jen, I came to the conclusion that it can

old do more good than harm. Tomorrow I have

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