Chapter 19: The sweet, the cheerful, the spicy and the dreadful

Start from the beginning

"Oh, well, I told her if she wanted to come she could, but she said she had work to do"

She sounded apologetic for something that wasn't her fault. Being the ever comforting person she was, however, she would always try to put someone at ease.

"Maybe next time, Komachi-chan"

"Oh, is that so? Okay! Anyway, let's go!"

Komachi shot her arm towards the sky.


Yuigahama did the same, but less excited and more joyous. Komachi turned her back and shot me a short glance, it was faint, that smile that she showed to me. She then went back to talking with the other two.

I stood there, my eyes unfocused as they stared at the pavement. The answer, without lifting a finger, without putting it into words for them to had been given to me. Moving my gaze, the three had already started to move.

(Is she an esper? Or was I that simple to read? I thought I wasn't revealing anything...)

(Jeez...what a sister)

I started to walk as well, managing to catch up with them. The four of us entered and as soon as we set foot inside, the drastic change in temperature was felt all throughout our group.

(Ahhh, technology, you are indeed precious)

We aimlessly strolled around, or more like, they did, as I felt like a sheep leashed by the neck, from time to time they would stop to check out the products of certain shops.

Without a word, Yuigahama approached my side. It wasn't intentional, yet I caught a whiff of her scent, was it redolent of strawberry? I would've been called a creep by now if anyone noticed. I glanced to see if she did and without my noticing, her mask was planted back on her face.

I didn't remember her wearing it again, or maybe I just didn't see it all, when did she wear it again? At that time, I theorized it eagerly. Perhaps too much eagerness as she might've noticed when she tried to peek at my direction, only for us to lock gazes and, with a smile, she asked:

"What should we do for now, Hikki?"

An innocent sounding question, as she herself sounded as though she was arbitrarily following the other two. Perhaps she was a fellow sheep.

"Uhh, let's see...the shopping could wait, maybe we should get some lunch"

The reasonable option, and the one that my body chose. Based entirely by myself, perhaps I should've asked for their opinions as well or at least, thought of other options to offer.

"Yup, you're right, I was getting a little hungry myself"

"That's right~ Since it's Senpai's treat today, what should I get?"

With the clap of her hands, her jubilant tone conveyed a sweet child excited to receive her present.

"Well, I wonder if there's a saize her-"

Almost instantly, I retracted my comment. The reason? Whilst I was saying that, I saw a tiny glimpse of Ishikki's smile, directed straight at me, though...there was something off, as if I said a taboo, or something downright stupid. She glared at me with those moist, amber eyes, glowing intensely as I peered into it.


"No, someplace else?"

I tried to appeal, and it seemed her smile presented a more neutral reaction. With her around, I always needed to be careful of what to say.

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