Chapter 10

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Authors Note: You ever just let your room get so dirty you are like DAMN, my room is like that right now...
also play song when you see the words 'play song'
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East Blue - 1999 - Autumn
Reader Pov

I sit with Luffy and Zoro as we talk about the next time I go and see Shanks.

"Look, she did a great job. I am just worried about the setting." Zoro says.

"A bar is risky for a woman." Luffy says agreeing.

"Right? It's unfortunate we are dealing with Shanks, the man practically lives off alcohol." Zoro says.

"It was good we introduced (Y/n) to him. She got her toes in the water, now it's time to dive in deeper." Luffy says.

"It's just risky." Zoro says.

"I understand but it's all up to (Y/n). Were you uncomfortable?" Luffy says turning to me.

I open my mouth to talk, but think about my answer.

"I told Zoro it was easy since he was a lot more different than I thought he would look." I say.

"Meaning she thought he was attractive." Zoro says.

"Okay, but listen to me. I don't know how bad of a guy he is, and when you make him out to be a bad guy, I would think oh an ugly person. I was just surprised that's all." I say defensively.

"Don't worry, i'm not mad. Many women find Sharks attractive." Luffy says smiling, about to laugh.

"Jerk." I say shooting a glare at Zoro.

"Well (Y/n). I'm proud of you for seducing him so quickly. However, one encounter isn't gonna get him hooked." Luffy says.

"We won't know anything about him from on bar flirt." Zoro says crossing his arms.

"I told you, I would work with you since you are helping me with my debt. I am grateful to you." I say.

"Thank you." Luffy says.

Zoro gets a call and walks out, talking about business related issues. I sit in silence with Luffy, who is staring at me with his face laying on his hands.


"So, Shanks?" He asks.

"Stop. I don't like him. Besides I have lived in your territory for ever. I'm practically loyal." I say.

"I don't doubt it." He says smirking.

Luffy stops smirking, most likely to think while he is biting his lip. I look at him, lost in thought myself.

"Since you're now close working with me, I should tell you why things with Shanks is so bad." He says looking into my eyes.

"If it's really personal I don't mind." I say.

"No, all my close people know." He says.

I scoot closer to him, urging him to start.

"I wasn't always the D. territory leader. My brother was. Ace." Luffy says.

"Ace." I say more to myself.

"He was the most put together person I know. Zoro and all the guys close to me were under him before me. Ace treated everyone like family." Luffy said.

"Shanks and him were cool. They kept their territories but it wasn't a rivalry like it was now. In fact they would constantly come to one area or the other." Luffy continues.

I nod, making him look at me again.

"I still don't understand it, which is why my anger is so, strong. One of Shanks crew, killed my brother. Shanks didn't do anything about it." Luffy says.

"What? Why did he kill him?" I ask.

"A woman was the reason. She was hanging around Shanks, and Ace was infatuated with her." Luffy says.

"Shanks actually really loved this girl, unknowing to my brother. The girl would sneak around with Shanks and Ace." Luffy says.

"Finally Ace proposed, and the girl accepted. She forgot to take off the ring my brother gave her, and one of his guys saw it and Shanks demanded to know what that ring meant." Luffy says, sighing.

"She finally admitted, although she made it seem as if Ace deliberately took her away from Shanks. Shanks was so upset, he sent his friend Teach to kill him." Luffy says, closing his eyes, trembling.

"Luffy..." I say, putting my hand on his.

"Shanks didn't care about ruining the peace. The woman ended up disappearing." Luffy says.

"Wow.. and Shanks just continues to break the peace?" I ask.

"He never would get over the love for the girl. He continued his hatred for the D. family after that. So civilians have to fear it now living in one territory or the other." Luffy says.

"God, that woman is to blame too." I say in disbelief.

"We have no idea where she went." Luffy says.

"Do you remember what she looked like or anything." I ask.

"Straight cut curtain bangs, snake earrings. Jet black hair." Luffy says.

I pause, remembering that time at the bus stop. I squeeze Luffys hand, making him turn to me.

"Hey Luffy, thank you for sharing that with me." I say

I probably shouldn't say anything about that yet.

He smiles at me, and I realize how close we are. I get slightly nervous, blushing slightly, when Zoro walks back in and I immediately pull away, feeling as if I committed a crime.

"Law was talking to me about budget costs for the club." Zoro says.

"Ah, he's probably stressing as usual." Luffy says laughing.

"He is. He told me to tell you to meet up." Zoro says.

"Okay, you take (Y/n) home." Luffy says.

"Got it." Zoro says, waving him off as he walks out the penthouse common room.

I sit there, a bit dumbfounded.

"Let's get you home." Zoro says.

"Yeah. Okay." I say.

Was I just blushing? Nah, no way.
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Authors Note: So Shanks basically had Ace killed, cause of a woman. He disrupted the peace Ace and him kept together, they both reigned over their own territories respectively, but worked with each other. After the death of Ace, Shanks swore on himself he would end the D. Territories. Luffy stepped up immediately. for more context.

Ace was bae.

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