Chapter 8

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Authors Note: Happy pride month to everyone, I love you all (except homophobes then bye)
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East Blue - 1999 - End of summer
Luffy Pov

It's really amusing, seeing the reactions of people when you tell them your daily life.

"It's pretty simple, though can be hard if you don't put full effort, (Y/n)." I say.

She stares at the papers, reading the tasks over and over, eye wide the whole time.

"I'm gonna try to get all the secrets from Red Haired Shanks? By seducing him?" She asks in disbelief.

I laugh and shake my head slightly.

"Well the seducing part you don't necessarily have to do, you can become part of his inner circle and just hear it. However, it would be much easier to obtains PRIVATE information if you were "romantically" involved with him." I say doing air quotes.

"If I do this, you will pay my debts?" She asks unsure.

"Absolutely. You will be doing us favors to stop any potential problems we would face. Our empire can grow stronger, and we might be able to eliminate the problem." I say.

She sighs and puts her head in her hand, studying the table pattern. I look amusingly to Zoro, who was twirling a pen watching her.

"The choice is 100% yours. If something were to happen to put your life in danger, such as Sharks finding out about you or someone threatening you, we would all come and rescue you." I say.

"Absolutely we would." Zoro chimed in.

I gave him a look, but ignored him and continued with explaining everything. She sighs once more, and looks at me, her eyes shining.

"I have to think it over, I mean it's dangerous." She says.

"It is. I would do everything to protect you though." I said.

She smiles a bit sourly, and gets up.

"I have to go, I have to get ready for my other job." She says.

"I'll drive you." Zoro says getting up.

"No need." She says holding a hand up.

He stares at her dumbfounded as she walks out the office.

"She's like that. Don't stress too much." I say shrugging.

Zoro laughs, and then turns to me.

"Captain. I really am a bit worried about this plan. She would easily attract him but what if she got hurt?" He questions.

"We would keep her in arms length metaphorically. I would never let anyone under my wing get hurt, no matter how insignificant they are in my life." I say.

Zoro smirks, and gets up.

"Especially her. There is something about her." He says walking out.

I raise a brow, and collect my stuff to join him.
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"I'll do it." She says calling me around 11pm.

I smirk as I am holding a gun against a undercover Red-Hair.

"Good girl." I said.
— — — Play Song Now
Reader Pov

I sit in the hair salon with Zoro and Luffy as the hair dresser twirls around me.

"Bon-chan gots you babe!" He says.

"Why do I have to get a haircut." I ask.

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