Raelynn - Chapter Two

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"I was there if you needed me, but you didn't."

I've always noticed Quinn. Whether he knows it or not, I was never very "popular" as you could say. I was an outcast, but I sometimes saw him with Beau (my best friend). I would always find myself wondering "who is this guy?".

Little did I know he would be so important to me.

I would go about my day at school like anyone else. Wake up, go to school, go home, do homework, get ready for bed, sleep and repeat. No changes, EVER.

I only had a couple of friends, and my hair was always in a ponytail, like always. I never cared how I looked because I was so young. I was really quiet and never liked talking to people I did not know. I miss when life was this easy.

When I could go to school without a face full of makeup or leave the house without thinking "Will people like it?" and most of all when I could just live without thinking of Quinn. "What will Quinn think?" Would he like this outfit?" "Is this hair good enough for him?".

"I want to go back to then. But at the same time, could I really live without him?"

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