Harper - Chapter One

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"It was the school year of 2020 when I first met him, and who knew my life would never be the same?"
I ask this question every day since then.

When I first saw him, it was winter we were on the piece of land that we just bought and are going to build on, I was very shy it was like I couldn't even talk to him. I stood next to my parents in snow boots and snow gear staring at him and his brother playing with my brothers. I wanted to go play with them but as I said, I was too shy. I was thinking, is this what my future will be like when we build out here?

The next thing Ya know we are driving home talking about how excited we are about building out there.it was mine and my mom's lifelong dream to build on a piece of land, I was personally excited. Then the next morning when I woke up all I thought about was Quinn. But then I had to go to school, and I was a little disappointed.

The next few months flew by, and we went out to the property (now known as the land) but I never saw him and didn't think anything of it.

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