"I have to go to Vietnam." He muttered, and Jaylee walked closer to him. Sam stared at the ground. 

Jaylee swallowed the lump in her throat. "Well, surely you can't be leaving too soon, right?" 

Sam glanced at Jaylee, and her heart wrenched. She hated seeing her brother sad. He was always the light in her dark world, and when he was sad, she was sad. 

"They want me to leave Friday night. I-I won't be back for six months." Jaylee felt like a knife had gone straight through her heart. Six months without Sam? He just got home. He couldn't leave again. Jaylee needed him so much. 

"W-what are you going to do?" Jaylee questioned, her voice cracking, but she knew she couldn't cry. She had to be strong for Sam. 

"I'm not sure yet. I have been in the military for five years, maybe I could ask for military leave and stay home for a while." Jaylee nodded, hugged him, and walked up to her room. She laid on her bed and placed her headphones in her ears, blasting her music to forget the dark, bitter world. She must have fallen asleep, because she was awoken to someone shaking her. Her eyes fluttered open, and Sam stood in front of her. 

"What's wrong?" She panicked, and Sam smiled at her, which increased her mood a little. 

"I talked to the Lieutenant, and he said I could stay home a little longer." A smile crept across Jaylee's face, and she reached up to hug Sam. 

"Oh, Sam! I am so happy for you!" Sam smiled at her after letting go, but then his smile transformed into a look of worry. 

"Now, sis, who is this Luke you were screaming for in your sleep?" He questioned, and Jaylee instantly paled. What. The. Hell. 

Screaming Luke's name in her sleep? She had heard of different types of crazy, but that broke the crazy scale. She couldn't even remember her dream! This is so messed up, she thought.  

"W-w-what do you m-mean?" She stuttered, and Sam busted out laughing. Jaylee could feel heat creeping up her face, all the way up to the tips of her ears. 

Once Sam calmed down, he stared at Jaylee with a funny look. "You were screaming his name, and now I want the juicy deets. Who is he?" 


"Is he hot?" 


"Does he have a nice bod?" 

"I don't--" 

"Is he a good kisser?"


"Wait, don't answer that. I might kill the kid." 


"WAIT. Did you sleep with him!?" 

"Sam, I swear to God above if you don't shut up, I will kill you in your sleep." Sam's face paled, but he instantly covered it up with a smirk. 

"Ah, so you have slept with him." 

The look Jaylee gave him was enough to put him six feet under. He slowly backed up from his sister and swallowed hard, keeping his eyes locked on her and her eyes of terror. Jaylee relaxed and laid back on her pillows, but her eyes still shot daggers through Sam. 

"He's this guy I go to school with. I don't know why I would be screaming his name." She looked away from her brother as tears welled in her eyes. "We got in a fight today, and right now, I couldn't care less if he drove right off a cliff. I absolutely hate him." 

A knowing smile grew on Sam's face, and Jaylee shot him a confused look. 

"Maybe you were screaming his name because you were hurt. Or maybe, you're in love with him." 

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