Brown Haired Boy

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    I arrived at Hogwarts carrying my trunks to the top of the stairs with me. I set them down on the top of the stairs as instructed and followed Professor McGonagall in front of the large brown doors. "Alright, students. When you get inside the Great Hall please sit down with the rest of your house at the assigned house tables. We will then let the first years in and sort them. Then Dumbledore will give his yearly speech and the feast will begin." she informed us. She opened the doors and I followed the Hufflepuff's to our house table in the far left. Our table was next to the Ravenclaw table. Then, next to them, was the Gryffindor table, and to the far right was the Slytherin table. The 1st years were sorted and Dumbledore gave his yearly speech to start off the year itself. "Very best of evenings to you all. First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff, Horace Slughorn." he began as he turned to point to an old man with grey hair in a brown plaid suit. We applauded and as everyone started to quiet down Dumbledore began again, "Professor Slughorn, per say has agreed to resume to his old post as potions master. Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape." Dumbledore informed us. There were whispers all around the room about Snape being our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. We all knew he had fancied the position, but nobody thought he would ever get it. We applauded nevertheless and Dumbledore continued his speech, "Now as you know, each and everyone of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight and you have the right to know why." he told us. I looked down being afraid of what he would say. There was never a truly truly dark time at Hogwarts. People always made light in the dark here. Until today. I brought my head back up as Dumbledore continued again, "Once, there was a young man, who, like you sat in this hall, walked this castles corridors, stepped under its rooves. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name...Tom Riddle." Dumbledore said. There was whispering from all over and some students looked downwards. Dumbledore began again as the whispering died down, "Today of course, he's known all over by another name. Which is why as I stand, looking out upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute, perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castles walls. And in the end, their greatest you." he continued, "Just something to think about. Now off to bed. Pip pip." Dumbledore finished. I lowered my head for a minute. It wasn't because I was afraid of Voldemort, but more so of the endangerment of my friends. I looked back up to see a boy with curly hair staring at me. His eyes were narrow as if he had something against me. I looked back at him for a minute and then was snapped back into reality by Hannah Abbott. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. "Y/n, come on." she spoke. "Sorry, Han. I was distracted." I said. Hannah had been my best friend since my first week at Hogwarts. "It's alright. We need to go back to the dorms though." she told me. I nodded my head and walked with Hannah to the Hufflepuff dormitories.

    The next day I was walking to breakfast when I bumped into the boy from dinner. His eyes were a sparkling brown and his hair was a curly chocolate brown. "Jesus, stay out of my way." I fumed as I dropped to the ground to pick up my books. He squatted down and helped me pick up my books. "Thank you?" I said with a confused tone. "No problem, princess. The name's Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle." he told me. My eyes went wide as we stood up. "H-hi. I'm...uhm...I'm Y-Y/n. Y/n F-Floria." I stuttered. "Don't worry. There's nothing to be afraid of. I won't hurt you." he said calmly. "Well. Uhm...thank you for the help. But I better get going to breakfast." I said. "I'll see you in Charms then, princess." he said and walked away. 

    I headed to the Hufflepuff table and dropped my books down. Butterflies had filled my stomach and still hadn't settle down. I sat down next to Hannah completely zoned out. I hadn't realized that I actually was sat next to Hermione Granger at the Gryffindor table. "Uhm, hello there." she said waving her hand in front of my face. I snapped back into reality again to notice her, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter all looking at me. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I sat here. I'm Y/n. Y/n Floria." I said. "I should be leaving now. I told Hannah I'd sit with her." I spilled. "Oh, alright. Well, I guess we'll be seeing you then." Hermione said and I got up to go eat lunch with Hannah, grabbing my books. As I walked away I heard them laughing quietly and whispering to each other. I sat down next to Hannah, my eyes glassy and a little red. "Hey, Y/n/n, what's up?" she asked not looking at me. "I just totally embarrassed myself in front of Harry Potter and his friends." I told her. "Oh no. What happened?" she asked in a worried tone. "Well, for starters, I ran into Mattheo Riddle rushing to get here and dropped all my books on the ground." I sighed. She slightly gasped at the name. "Did he do anything to you? Are you okay?" she asked more worried then before. "Yeah, I'm fine. And then, I was all flustered and zoned out so I accidentally sat next to Hermione. The whole trio was just staring at me. And then, when as I was walking away I heard them whispering and quietly laughing to each other." I lamented. Hannah hugged me as my eyes welled with tears. "It's ok. Maybe they were laughing about something one of them said. Ron's supposedly really funny and good at making jokes, so they were probably laughing at that." she comforted. "Thanks, Han. I need to get to charms, so I'll see you later." I told her as I wiped my eyes trying to stop myself from crying. "Alright. I'll see you later." she said with a slight smile.

A Riddle's Love //Mattheo Riddle X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now