It's now 7:15 and the school is still deserted. 

I get up from my very uncomfortable spot on the floor and walk towards where I keep hearing a soft snoring noise. I figured it was just an animal, so I definitely didn't expect to see a person.

It's a boy. Actually, scratch that, it's a man. He looks about my age and is very handsome. He has a perfect jawline and thick eyelashes. I can't see his eyes because they're closed, but I have a feeling those are perfect too. He just has such perfect chiseled features. And a little bit of drool on the side of his mouth. 

However, I can't help but notice a large bruise along his face. Actually, the closer I look he has multiple bruises.

I'm so focused on how he looks. I almost forget to wonder what the heck he's doing sleeping by a tree at Goode High.

I've been staring at this guy for at least a couple of minutes when an alarm goes off on his phone. 

The normal reaction to that would have been to leave and respect his privacy, but my body's not listening to my brain, so I continue to stare.

His eyes slowly open and once again my body doesn't listen to my brain.

I want to asked him why he's sleeping out here. I want to formerly meet him.

I told you earlier I'm a know-it-all. I like to know everything.

My curiosity just gets the best of me.

He yawns and slowly sits up. Still not noticing me.

When he finally looks in my direction it looks like he has a mini heart attack.

I'm not sure what to say. He just stares at me wide-eyed. "Uh, you drool in your sleep." Not exactly the best opening line, but it was better than just staring at him. 

He quickly sprints in the other direction towards the school, seemingly not caring that his backpack is opened and he's dropping everything.

I watch him as he runs into the school not looking back once.

I still noticed a slight limp to his walk, or run. Also THE DOOR WAS OPENED THIS WHOLE TIME! Wow. I feel dumb and embarrassed. I hate feeling dumb and embarrassed. I should have just left and ignored my curiosity.

I walk into the school and make my way to the office.

The front desk worker seems nice. He has a headset and looks very busy. It takes him a while to notice me. What's with that? That guy took a long time to notice me too. I really am starting to believe I'm invisible.

I clear my throat and he finally looks up. "Hello, my name is Hermes. How may I help you?" He says in a very receptionist-y voice.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth Cha-" He taps his headset showing me that he's not talking to me, but to someone on the phone. My face turns a deep shade of red out of embarrassment. Who knew that school secretaries we're so busy? I certainly didn't.

I recognize his name, too. Hermes. He looks very familiar. 

"Hi, my name is Hermes. How may I help you?" I don't reply, figuring he's talking to someone else. However, after about a minute he continues to stare at me expectantly. "How may I help you?"

"Oh, me?" he nods "I'm Annabeth Chase. I'm a new student. I'm here to pick up my schedule."

He hands me my schedule and a map. He then quickly scribbles down some things. After that he goes back to talking on the phone and I'm left just standing there. That's it? I don't even know where my locker is.

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