[46]"Do you remember?"

Start from the beginning

"Ok calm down", said Tony as he climbed down the ladder. "I assumed we would find out when she started responding". His voice got quieter as he finished his sentence, sounding lost.
"Are we sure Sarah hasn't got anything to do with this?" Asked Bruce, but Tony shook his head.

"She may be a smart child but she didn't know about Wanda and I think she actually cares about the kids. And all four of our kids trust her which is almost impossible. Just keep the building on lockdown, the other three are coming back as soon as they can, nothings changed on their end. Once the cameras are up ask Sarah to work on getting the footage back".

Bucky had gone to the kitchen and brought back a selection of different foods hoping you would eat some of it. He sat back down and placed everything across the blankets so it was all in clear view, before watching the tv.

After a while you still hadn't touched anything so he picked up a yogurt and slowly ate it. He could sense you were looking at him so slightly tilted it towards you and watched as you stretched out an arm and dipped your finger in.
Steve held in a laugh and watched you eat the yogurt off your hand. He was basically shaking from excitement but didn't want to say anything incase you stopped.

You did it again a couple of times before deciding you'd had enough. Seeing a sandwich in the middle of the bed you leant over and pulled it apart, dropping everything except the bread back on the plate. Steve and Bucky looked at each other and held in cheers as you took a few bites. They were so happy they could have held a party for it. The banners wouldn't have been very exciting, 'congrats on eating three bites of a bread slice'. But they would have done it anyway.

Bruce went to find Sarah but found nearly everyone fast asleep in the main room. He chuckled and left, not wanting to disturb anyone of the much needed nap.
Instead he decided to check on your hand again, and he couldn't hold in the cheer when he found out you ate something. "Yesss! That's our girl!" You blushed and hid your face in Steve's chest.

"Ok let me unwrap this bandage to see what it looks like", it didn't look any better. If anything the red was darker but Bruce didn't voice this.
Instead he went to get the blood test results. "Traces of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid which explains how they got her and why she doesn't remember. And she has an infection from her hand. We need to give antibiotics straight away and make sure it doesn't get any worse".

He walked over to the cupboards and started pulling out random stuff. "What happens if it gets worse?" Asked Bucky but Bruce just shook his head. "Hopefully it won't, she'll need this three times a day".
He walked over with a small syringe, "I've made a liquid version that should be easier to swallow".

You didn't want to take it but your dads convinced you, "it'll make your hand feel better, we don't want it to get any worse right?"
You agreed and took the medicine. It tasted horrible and bitter but you quickly washed it down with a sip of water.
"Oh yeaaa!" Exclaimed buck giving everyone high fives and making the edges of your mouth twitch up.

Bruce excused himself, he really needed some sleep and now seemed like the best time for it. There was so much that needed to be figured out but it could wait a few hours.
For a while the whole compound was the quietest it had been in a long time.

Until Bruce was woken up a lot sooner than expected from a small beeping. He quickly realised it was the button in your room so he ran downstairs to see you sat on the floor screaming.

"What happened?!" He asked your dads.
"We don't know! She fell asleep and then started screaming, she won't respond!".
"Ok I think she's having a nightmare and she still hasn't woken up". Instead of trying to wake you, Bruce grabbed a blanket and gently placed it over you before turning on your favourite film again.
A few minutes passed and you stopped screaming. The three men didn't say anything but continued to look at you until you croaked out a barely audible, "dad".

Steve and Bucky rushed over to hug you and wipe your tears away. They could feel you shaking through the blanket so held you closer. "It's ok, it was just a dream. You're safe".
You hadn't said anything in so long they started to cry at hearing your voice again.

Bruce waited before asking, "can you tell me what your dream was about?" You immediately shook your head and refused to say anything else so he gave up and helped you back into the bed. He had to set up the IV again as you'd pulled it out but he also noticed your hand looked worse than before.
He made some more medicine for you and went back to bed.

When he awoke the others were back to installing cameras or making food for everyone so he walked past them and headed to the Medbay. "How's she doing?" He asked Steve who furrowed his brows.
"She feels hot. She had another nightmare but not as bad as the first and since then she seems a bit overheated".

Bruce got a thermometer and checked your temperature. "She's a little bit hotter than she should be. We'll keep an eye on it but it could just be the healing raising her body temp". He gave you some more medicine and went to leave when Bucky called after him in the hall.

"Bruce! I need to ask you something", he said, looking back to make sure you or Steve couldn't hear.
"Why is she back?"
"What do you mean?" Bruce asked confused.
"I mean why is she back? Why did they bring her back? I know Hydra and they would never do this!" He hissed. "No one has commented on it, on why she's back and why nothing seems any more wrong than when she left. So why did they take her!"

Bruce felt just as desperate as Bucky sounded to get those answers. "We don't know" he said eyes dropping to the floor.
"We don't know why they took her, we don't know how they got in and we don't know why they brought her back and why she seems relatively ok. We just don't know, we're trying to figure it out".

It just occurred to them how exhausted they both were. The fact you were back sent relief through them but also built up an entirely new wall of anxiety because nothing made sense.
"Ok thank you Bruce, just please tell me if you find anything out?"
"Of course Buck"

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now