"What about the people that need us? What about the fight?"

"The fight is done. We lost."

Nari shook his head in disbelief "What happened to you? You were once a great Jedi." 

"The time of the Jedi is over. Go back to the town. Let it go."

As father and daughter rode away Oriana looked back and asked "Papa, why didn't we help? Mother says we must always protect our own kind."

"Your mother is a wise woman, but I believe that protecting our own kind means protecting this family... We must always protect our family Oriana.. Do you understand?"

"Yes Papa."



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Ember Starr Kenobi ran, she didn't want to stop because whenever she stopped running that's when her memories came back to her. The only time she was safe from her memories was when she was in her husband's arms, and yet seeing her baby girl triggered them as well. 

As she finally came to a stop she took a deep breath and looked over to where her master watched her with judgemental eyes. 

"Outrun the memories you cannot, face them you eventually must." Yoda looked his former padawan over, she was covered in the swamp water of the planet, only in a tank top due to the heat her body bore the scars of a war long past. 

But her eyes, her eyes showed that in her mind she was still fighting every single day, and that was what worried Yoda. So much had been ripped from Ember's hands, she had given up much for a war that they hadn't even won, and yet she still believed there was hope for the future.

"How?" She asked him but her master simply shook his head "Discover this yourself, you must."

Ember sighed and knelt down staring across the swamp "I need to go home, I've been gone almost two weeks."

"Miss them you do," Yoda stated because he knew she did but she was afraid, afraid she would wind up hurting her family somehow, she had already lost two children she feared losing another.

Ember nodded "So much it hurts." She stood and headed to her ship when both she and Yoda froze "Leia!" She took off running towards her ship, knowing it would take her far longer than she would like for her to get to Alderaan.


Obi-Wan approached Owen who frowned when he saw him but softened slightly when he saw Oriana behind him. When he saw the pain in the girl's eyes and the bag that Obi-Wan carried he frowned "Whats going on?"

Obi-Wan closed his eyes remembering how the Organa's had asked for his help and he had initially refused so Bail had come directly to him. When Obi-Wan had refused again Bail's eyes had gone to Oriana who was watching closely as she always did "You know what it is like to lose a child Obi-Wan, and I know you and Ember tried to search for them.. Please help me." 

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