The Fall

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Ember stopped the dragon and she and Obi-Was snuck in the rafters until they were above Grievious and his council of Separatists

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Ember stopped the dragon and she and Obi-Was snuck in the rafters until they were above Grievious and his council of Separatists.

"It won't be long before the armies of the Republic track us here." Grievous was telling his council "I am sending you to the Mustafar system in the Outer Rim. It is a volcanic planet which generates a great deal of scanning interference. You will be safe there."

"Safe?" Nute Funday asked "Chancellor Palpatine managed to escape your grip, General, without Count Dooku. I have doubts about your ability to keep us safe."

"Be thankful, Viceroy, you have not found yourself in my grip . . . Your ship is waiting."

Obi-Wan and Ember frowned both consjdering what they should do, each thought the other had sliding across the bond. Finally they both removed their cloaks and jimped down, Ember landing on front of Grievous and Obi-wan behind him.

"Hello, there!" Obi-wan greeted cheerily

"Lovely day huh?" Ember asked

Grievous glared at the two "General Kenobi and General Starr, you are bold. I find your behavior bewildering. Surely you both realize you're doomed," He looked to the nearby droids "Kill him!"

Ember hadnt had many dealing with Grievous during the war but Obi-wan had and he moved forward a challenging glint in his eyes as he glared at the General.

"Enough of this." Grievous called and his bodyguards moved forward with their power staffs to attack Ember smirked and ducked down into Form VII before attacking the guards.

The guards fell easily beneath the blades of Obi-wan and Ember, and then Obi-wan reached out with the force causing a large pjece of equipment onto the heads of three guards. Ember and Obi-wan continued towards Grievous as Ember killed the last guard, battle droids started to approach but Grievous waved them back

"Back away. I will deal with this Jedi slime myself."

Obi-wan grinned "Your move."

"You fool. I have been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku himself. Attack, Kenobi."

"You forget I trained the Jedi that defeated Count Dooku!"

The two jedi worked hard to fight the large android, Ember taking on an offensive position as Obi-wan fell into defense. These were the places the two fighters excelled but trying to fight and defend themselves from the sharpshooters trying to shoot them was causing them to have a hard time.

Obi-Wan got an opening and cut off one of Grievous' many hands just as a loud explosion was heard. They all glanced over to see the clone troops coming in guns blazing and Ember smirked at the large android

"We may not defeat your droids, but our troops certainly will."

Grievous snarled "Army or not, you must realize you are doomed."

Obi-Wan shook his head "I don't think so."

The fight suddenly changed as Ember and Obi-wan gained the upper hand attacking Grievous until he fell to a platform below them. The two jedi followed him but the General took off trying to run away, as he hopped into a small ship. Obi-wan whistled for Boga the dragon and the two hopped up on the animal taking off after the general.

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