A Father Lost and Another Found

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Genosis 22BBY

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Genosis 22BBY

 Kylos Starr hopped out of his fighter and turned to his droid "Stay here Mark V, I'll be back soon."

For the last ten years Kylos has been searching for the one who had killed his former master Sifo-Dyas. The man had been killed under mysterious circumstances, and no one had really looked into it except for him.

Things had changed so much, he had lost an eye in battle, his son had abandoned the jedi to join his mothers people on Mandalore. His niece had two children that their jerk of a father didnt know about, and his wife was currently training one because the kid wasnt force sensitive. Thank goodness his daughter was still the same loving healer she had always been.

He followed the force leading him inside what appeared to be a base of sorts. He heard voices and came to a stop, kneeling behind some boxes as he listened.

"Do not worry master, soon everything will go according to plan."

There was silence when suddenly a voice spoke "Why do you not join us Master Kylos."

His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed his light saber igniting the white blade.

His eyes landed on the two men in front of him but there was not surprise he should have known it was them.

"Well, well if it isnt the Chancellor and the Count... What an unpleasant surprise."

The two Siths stepped forward igniting their sabers both knowing that Kylos Starr could not be allowed to live.

Kylos looked to the door and saw that any path of escape was cut off by destroyer droids. He sighed to himself, before he turned jumping into battle. The fight did not last long as he was overcome both by the two Sith and the destroyers.

Later he sat tied to a chair as they interrogated him using force lightning. Shame he had never learned that particular trick, it came so easily to his niece.

Dooku circled him "I will ask again who else did you tell of this location?"

Kylos smirked at the man "Your mother, oh wait maybe it was your sister its hard to tell them apart these days."

He groaned as Dooku released another blast of lightning at him while Palpatine laughed madly in the background.

The second it was over he glared at the Count "Yeah, I never liked you much Dooku, never understood why my master was friends with you, felt bad for Qui Gon cause he had you for a master."

Dooku glared at the insolent Gray Jedi and turned to his master who spoke

"He is to strong to tell us anything, kill him so we may be rid of yet another Starr."

Palpatine approached the half dead man "Your family members are far to nosy for their own good. Now another of my apprentices will kill a Starr, I imagine you wont be the last Starr dead in this war."

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