Info: Clearing some misunderstandings

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Hello everyone

I'm sorry to disappoint you, this is not an actual chapter, but I will upload the next chapter in a few hours. There were several people texting me about the time-line and I read a comment in 13. chapter, so I wanted to clear some misunderstandings.

I already told that to not create random cities I decided to call the small city Ingracia.

About Dino: In LN17 According to Rain the order was

1. Dagruel
2. Luminas
3. Dino

20'000 years doesn't make sense because Kagali (Kazareem) witnessed Milim's rampage (she was from that kingdom). Also Laplace (Elmesia's father) died fighting the chaos dragon and Elmesia isn't 20'000 years old but something around 2'000.

In LN volume 11, Chloe says to Hinata that they are in the ancient era. Here the quote:

"In short, this was the holy land—or where the holy land was meant to be in
the future. Hinata and Chloe had traveled through time to the ancient era before the nation of Ruberios had even been born. It was said that Ruminas would move her nation here in another two thousand years or more from now."

So she was actually even around for longer than those 2'000 years, because she says that luminas moves her land here in more than 2'000 years, and Ruberios was long around before Rimuru reincarnated. It's mentioned when Chloe explains to Hinata what happened to them.

And 20'000 years ago, Veldanava was still around, Veldora is, if I'm not mistaken, around 17'000 years old.

Thank you for consideration, see you soon :)

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