He smiles and bites his lip causing me to involuntarily lick my lip.

Fuck, I really do have the world's greatest best friend.

Jeon jungkook and I have been best friends since we were crawling around, pissing, and pooping in our own diapers.

His father and mine went to college together where they both met our moms and they've been friends ever since which meant by default, he and I were thrown together and forced to be friends.

Of course, there was nothing forced about it and we hit it off straight away and as we got older, we just grew closer and closer.

Jungkook's phone beeps in his back pocket and he groans as he wiggles his ass in the air, so he can retrieve the device from his very tight skinny jeans.

I watch his movements as he grabs the phone from his pocket and then reads the message on it.

"Oh shit," Jungkook sighs as he stares at the screen.

"What is it?" I question as I turn down the road that will take me to his neighbourhood.

I live in the street right behind him, so we always carpool together.

He leans his head back and hits it a few times against the chair head rest, groaning as he curses under his breath.

"I was supposed to be going on a date this Friday and the guy was just texting to check if we are still good to go."

"Shit," I say tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

"I didn't even think that I would be cock blocking you," I groan.

"Shit, I'm sorry man. We can just forget this whole thing."

There I go again, thinking about myself first instead of considering how my actions might impact the lives of somebody else.

Maybe I am my parent's son with their way of living and getting to the top has started brushing off on me.

My whole-body shivers at the thought.

He shrugs as he quickly types a text before putting the phone back in his pocket.

"It's alright. I don't think he was my type anyway, plus he was way too good looking for me anyway."

I frown as I look across at him as he plays with the hem of his sweatshirt.

"Bae, I highly doubt he was too good-looking for you," I say.

"You're like one of the best-looking guys in this town." I admit.

I'm man enough and confident enough in my sexuality to admit when another guy is good-looking.

If girls can do it, why can't I?

Besides, he's my best friend so of course I'm going to admit if he's hot.

Hell, if I was into guys, he would so be my type.

That is something I would never admit to him or anyone else, but Jeon Jungkook is definitely one good-looking motherfucker.

His sensationally bright green doe eyes are exquisite and almost cat like and sit perfectly against his honey-blonde hair and tanned surfer skin.

Man, I love green doe eyes and blonde hair.

I've only really dated girls with green doe eyes and blonde hair.

I don't know why I'm attracted to that combination so much, but it gets my motor humming so much that I struggle to date girls who don't hold those exact specifications.

He laughs and shakes his head, "It's fine. I have other ways to keep myself entertained throughout this fake-boyfriend charade." He says as he waves his hand in the air.

And now I'm sitting here thinking what that entertainment entails. "As long as you're sure and I'm not cock blocking you to high heaven."

He smiles, "I'm sure. I've got my hand some toys and porn, I'll be fine."

Holy fucking shit.

I've got my hand, some toys and porn.

Why are there now images of my best friend pleasuring himself with a big ass fucking dildo circulating around my brain.

This is not okay.

I shake my head and turn on the radio as some fucking poppy shit plays through my car speakers.

A few minutes of silence passes before I pull up outside of his house and putting my car into park.

"Let me know how the talk goes with your parents and don't forget to think about how we are going to play out this whole fake-boyfriend thing."

He unbuckles his seatbelt and puts his hand on my shoulder, causing a weird sensation to race through my body, all the way down to my toes. Interesting.

"If I send an SOS, I need you to come and save me no questions asked."

He says with a bunny smile that alway knocks the wind from my stomach.

Jungkook has stupidly straight teeth, and natural at that.

I had to endure a few years of Invisalign braces to get my smile, but he was graced by the gods with a perfect naturally pearly white smile.

Always the overachiever.

I put my hand on the top of his head and ruffle his hair playfully before dropping my hand back to the steering wheel.

"I'll be waiting for your text. I'll have supplies ready if necessary,"

I joke while grabbing his backpack from the car footwell as he jumps out.

"You still good for food at the diner tomorrow?"

I smirk, "Have I ever turned down an opportunity to indulge in the best milkshakes and burgers in town with my bestie?"

He smiles and goes to close the door, "See you tomorrow then."

He closes the door fully behind him and jogs up the long path to his front door, slinging his backpack over his left shoulder as he gets further and further away from the car.

I wait until he unlocks his front door and slides inside before I quickly change the song on the radio from the poppy shit that's currently playing.

I check my blind spot, changing the gear, before pulling out and heading towards my house.

I never thought I would see the day that I would be asking my best friend to pretend to be my fake-boyfriend.

but if it keeps my parents off my ass and Jungkook agrees to it.

I'm more than okay to go along with the charade for a little bit.

I mean, at the end of the day, what's the worst that could happen?

It's not like I'm going to fall for my best friend or anything.


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