Stepping Up, Chapter 67

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Tibs looked at them, Jackal, Carina, and Kroseph, and wished he could wash away the worry off their face. He wanted to offer them comfort, but how could he, when he was the cause? He was who they worried about. It was why they were in Kroseph's room again, and why he was here this time. The first time he'd been told everything about what Tibs had done since getting his first audience with Water.

Kroseph had been surprisingly accepting of what Tibs had been told was impossible even after he'd done it. Maybe being surrounded by people who could wield essence and with a dungeon that changed to continuously challenge the Runners made the impossible less so for him.

He wished that telling them not to worry, that he was fine, would be enough. Instead, he pointed out he wasn't that important in the end. "We need to be out there, helping the town."

"That doesn't sound so different from the Tibs I know," Kroseph said.

"Tibs," Jackal said. "How about we go out there, find my father, and kill him so he can't hurt the town anymore?"

Tibs couldn't believe what he heard. "No. Violence isn't going to solve this. I need to find him and soothe the pain that's causing him to act out like this. To explain there's a better way." He wanted to head out immediately. The sooner he found Sebastian, the quicker this could stop and everyone would be better. But he'd agreed to stay with his friend until they were satisfied he was fine.

And, judging by their expression, they weren't there yet.

"Okay," Kroseph said. "That's too nice even for Tibs. And you said every element makes him act differently?"

Carina nodded. "I only saw Water and Fire. Jackal saw him using Earth. With Water, he wants to help everyone. With Fire, he wanted to burn the entire town, like there was only rage inside him. Is that what fire is?"

"No," Jackal said. "I've asked the Runners here who have fire as their element. They don't describe Fire as being angry. Eager is how one of them described it. Running hot is how another one did. Tibs's understandable anger at what those men were doing became an uncontrollable rage."

"So his anger triggered the fire?" Kroseph asked.

"I didn't call on Fire because I was angry. All I had was a knife, and I wanted them to be afraid so they'd stop." He paused. "I shouldn't have wanted that. Fear doesn't help. Once I called on fire is when I lost control."

Kroseph looked around his room. "Why are we doing this in the inn, then? What if he loses control?"

"That's why we are doing this with water," Jackal said.

"We need to understand how to have Tibs channel essence without his personality changing."

"Tibs can make ice," Kroseph pointed out, "and the weather is turning warmer. What if he decides that icing everything is how he'll make everyone feel better?"

"Then I don't think anywhere in the town's safe," Jackal replied. "He said his main reserve is basically bottomless, and it becomes whatever he's channeling."

"So maybe have him not channel through it?" Kroseph asked uncertainly.

"That isn't how it works," Carina said. "At least I don't think it is. This isn't something I've read about, but when I channel, I just do it, I don't decide how, it just happens. Maybe if he had his bracers, he could do it. I need to think about pulling from my amulet, but we don't have that."

"Back to yourself, Tibs," Jackal instructed.

"Why?" Tibs asked. "I can do much more good using my essence."

Jackal ran a hand over his face. "I think we're trying for too much. We should just get him to let it go on command. That way, we can tell him to stop if he starts losing control like he did with fire."

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