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No one's pov

Once everyone had woken up, they couldn't believe how late it was. They were amazed they could sleep this late and they felt quite energized. Y/n suggested that they went to a local café that serves the best breakfast, or in this case an early dinner, in her town.

Everyone got ready in their rooms and after about an hour, everyone was ready and made their way into the car.

"You guys are gonna love it. It's amazing" y/n said practically with stars in her eyes. "Hopefully because if not I'm just going back to the UK to eat" Tommy said playfully.

The rest of the way was just the 4 of them fighting for the aux in the car. In fact, it got so bad between y/n and Tommy that ranboo had to pull over and stop the fight. In the end, everyone agreed that ranboo should have it instead since he fought the least out of the 4.

It was a farely short distance between y/n's house and the Cafe but non of them felt like walking. Ranboo had enough time to play 1 song until they got there but he didn't care since he was too proud about winning the fight.

Tommy and y/n realized it wasn't worth the fight and decided to convince tubbo to help get revenge. He agreed and they all started texting eachother so ranboo wouldn't know.

Revenge mission

Okay so what's our 1st step for our amazing mission >:)

Good question
I think whatever better teach him a lesson

I think we should fight for something again
Have him get it in the end
Then we all agree on sharing it
Take it away from him
Then trash talk him for fun

Tubbo ur so smart ong
Literally marry me 🥰🥰

Y/n it would be an honor marrying u

Geez don't start having kids rn

We just might/srs/j

Get out of this gc 😐

I bid farewell to Thomas and tubbo my love, don't miss me too much </3

With that, all 3 look up and burst out laughing with ranboo looking at them in confusion.

"What's all that laughing about?" Ranboo asked the 3 of them in confusion. "Nothing you wouldn't get it" y/n says wiping a tear from her eye. The rest of their early dinner went well with lots of laughter.

Once they were done, Tommy and tubbo both told y/n what a great café it was. She was happy that they liked it and then ran out of the restaurant as soon as ranboo was done paying. The boys caught on to what she was doing and ran after her.

Ranboo let the 3 of them race for the passenger seat because it's entertainment. This time Tommy won and was sat in the front with Toby and y/n in the back. "Wanna see something funny?" Tubbo turns to ask y/n. "Yes". Tubbo gives y/n his phone to show multiple photos of a child.

She burst out laughing at the pictures. "WHAT IS THIS" she yells wiping tears. "THOSE ARE PHOTOS OF TOMMY AS A CHILD" he answers back and as soon as Tommy heard his name he turned is head and was yelling at tubbo on why he showed y/n.

Tubbo pov

It was too funny showing y/n pictures of Tommy. I took those when I went to his house. I figured I'd use them as blackmail if I ever needed too but hearing y/n laugh is better.

No ones pov

Everything calmed down and they finally got home. That's when the mission was about to begin. Y/n decided to fight about chips since all 4 were supposed to share.

"I think we should get cheetos"

"Nah I think doritos is better"

"I think we should stick with the classic and get some lays"

And just with that, their pretend bickering had begun. It was difficult for all 3 to hold in their laughs while they argued but they managed and and everything went according to plan.

"OKAY GUYS STOP WE'RE JUST GOING TO MAKE POPCORN" ranboo yelled between their bickering. At some point, Tommy and tubbo decided to take it a step further and start jumping on eachother and lightly wrestling while y/n cheered on the side. She hyped them up until she was dragged into it and it turned into a pillow fight.

A part of ranboo was enjoying watching everyone fighting and wanted to join in on the pillow fight but new he had to put an end to their fight.

I'm posting this rn bc I feel rlly bad for not updating enough. I'm so glad I had 600 words already so writing this was pretty easy. I'm srry it's so short this is just a filler

I'm still pretty stressed lately and it took a long time to finally make up time during my week to do this so ye :')

I haven't read what I wrote before today so I rlly hope everything is fine lol

That's it bye bye

Insta: catdogratfoot
Snap: urmomlovesme_l
Words: 881

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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