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Tubbo pov

"GUYS IM BACK. HOPEFULLY YOU GUYS DIDNT MISS ME TOO MUCH" y/n screamed down her mic. She has this dendancy of being funny when she's being annoying. Well, she's never annoyed me but other people get annoyed. I find it quite amusing and funny.

Like if it wasn't her screaming in the mic, I'd most likely get annoyed but it depends who it is. For Tommy, I'm just used to it and I find it funny as well. But with y/n it's a different vibe. Why does everything have to be so confusing?

"Well obviously not. I was having a nice conversation with tubbo until you came in. But now that you're back, I guess we can keep on playing" Tommy said in his playful annoyed voice.

The good thing is that that's how their friendship is. You know, they pretend to hate eachother but they still act like friends.

"Well I'm sorry. Who said I wanted to play with you? What if I came back just to play with tubbo? If I interrupted something you guys can talk about it later. Anyways what were you guys talking about?"

Once she asked what we were talking about I froze. I got so scared to answer. How would she feel if I said we were talking about her? I know Tommy wouldn't say what we were talking about but he knows it'll take me a while to catch on.

"Why do you care hm? Why do you want to know so bad? It's nothing bad nor a secret but why should we tell you?" Tommy said. He  quickly dmed me telling me to make up a lie that's believable and quick.

After Tommy's comment towards y/n, they started fighting about wanting to know secrets if they can be shared and how y/n is extremely nosy and can't help it.

"Okay guys stop. I'll tell you since Tommy doesn't want to. We were talking about your guys birthday, you and ranboo by the way. Tommy and I were brainstorming ideas."

"TOBY WHY WOULD YOU TELL HER THAT. NOW SHE KNOWS WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT AND YOU RUINED THE POINT I WAS TRYING TO MAKE TO Y/N ABOUT OUR FIGHT." Tommy said in his "angry" voice which only I can tell he's lying about being angry. Y/n bought it and seemed all excited being even more nosy to figure out what we thought of.

Of course we refused to tell her because we had to act like we were talking about it and at some point she just gave up.

After all that, we decided to play some bedwars. 5 games later, all of which we won, y/n said she was getting tired and was going to go to sleep. So we all left the call and did our own things.

I was going to play my piano until y/n started calling me to face time. I decided to answer and ask why she was calling me.

"I'm sorry for calling right now. I would say for calling so late but I don't think it's late for you. That's besides the point. So the reason why I'm calling is because I'm all alone in the house right now and I tend to have trouble sleeping when I'm alone. You're the first person I thought of calling but can I sleep on the call? If I wake up and I see we're still in the call it'll be easier to go back to sleep."

Y/n said that in her tired voice which I thought sounded very cute.

"Yeah sure. I was going to practice my piano if that's fine. Tell me if it's too loud."

"What are you going to practice?"

"Oh its nothing just a song I'm making" I lied to her. I hate having to lie to her but it has to be done. I can't let her know about my surprise.

"Oh okay then. U can practice, I'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight toby" she said through yawns.

Y/n pov

My first time sleeping on call with someone. It's quite nice not gonna lie. Just feels really safe. I want to know what the song he's making is about but I don't want to seem nosey or annoying. I am pretty tired and I don't think I'll have enough energy to stay up and pretend I'm asleep just to listen to his song.

I'll just go to sleep :P

Tubbo pov

I waited till I heard soft breathing from her side of the call. I'm not ready to practice with her awake yet. Too scary. After I made sure she wad asleep, I began to practice the song. I loved to practice the song because it was very calming and soothing for me.

I could easily destress when I play it. Don't know why but i just do.

As I practice, I hear noises in the background. I know it's not y/n because she has her camera on and she's asleep but it might be her parents coming back home. As I hear them call for her, she slowly wakes up and I tell her what happened. She left the room, with the call still on, and I heard a faint conversation.

My guess is that she's talking about what she did while they were gone and what she was currently doing. Once she was done, she came back telling me that she was going to go back to sleep. I said okay and let her drift to sleep in peace. She's so peaceful. I gotta finish writing this song. It's almost done.

bro I so srry for not posting :( if had this chapter done for so long but I started adding things to it and then forgetting to post it lol

Anyways I got it yay so gotta write the other one. I rlly need to keep up with these but its so hard D:

I prob won't post the next one that soon bc as yk it doesn't work like that. One last thing I'd like to say, the other day this person followed me on instagram right, they know who they are and this isn't something bad, but this person dmed me saying they love my book and it made me so happy. All I could say was tyy and how much it made me happy atm but u guys don't understand how happy I was.

It's always been a goal of mine to have someone, a stranger, say they love something of mine just bc of how it'll make u happy in the end. I feel like I actually did something good and maybe I'm not as useless as I had thought. So this person gave me the motivation to actually finish this chapter and I'm so grateful for the comment. <3

If u guys like the book plz comment or follow me, it means so much. U guys dk how much I smile everytime I see someone add my book to their reading list.

That's all ima say now lol so yk bye bye have good day/night

Words: 1220
Discord: some person#8995
Instagram: catdogratfoot
Snap: o_r1357

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