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Y/n pov:

I haven't played Minecraft with other people that aren't ranboo. It was strange not seeing his character but after a while I had gotten used to tubbo's character. He didn't want to play bedwars because he was afraid that fans would be in the game and see him. Then they would tweet about it and cause all this drama because he's playing with me.

So he had made his own server and we started building. We decided to first make a house and then start making a city. I put him on the duty of getting materials while I used what he brought back to build a house. I'm a pretty decent builder so I made it pretty big and spacious.

"Y/N I FOUND A VILLAGE. THIS IS AMAZING!" He yelled through the mic. "BRING BACK EVERYTHING. EVEN THE BLOCKS FOR THEIR HOUSES. WE NEED THEM" I yelled back trying to prove how loud he was. Instead of me proving my point, we both just started laughing.

As I was building, I looked at chat and all I saw was all these achievements tubbo kept getting. "If I knew that there were that many things there I would've went over", "No because once you finish the house, you're going to be a housewife (for ppl who don't know what that is, it's basically where the woman(or man I forgot) stays inside the house all the time cleaning and cooking).

"HEY, WHY DO I HAVE TO BE THE HOUSEWIFE", "Because you are a girl" he said jokingly. "Oh just wait till you come back to the house. I'm gonna kill you and take the loot, then I'm going to kick you out of the house so you can make your own and be your own housewife."

"Okay fine you're not the housewife. But you're the house wife on Friday and Saturday. And because I don't want what you just said to happen, I'll be the housewife everyday other than Friday and Saturday. Deal?"

"If you wear a maid outfit we will have a deal", "WHAT NO. THERES LIMITS AND THATS WAY OVER".

"Say goodbye to your pet bee", "OKAY FINE. ILL WEAR ONE WHEN IM THE HOUSEWIFE. Geez ranboo was right. You are very difficult."

"He said what? I'll be right back hold on" as I was leaving to ranboo's room, I could hear tubbo laughing through the headset. God, his laugh was so cute. What am I saying?

Ranboo pov:

I was in a peaceful call with dream talking about my future lore. That's when the gremlin decided to barge in my room. She could've at least knocked.


"Y/N IM IN A CALL SHUT UP" I yelled back. "Hold on real quick dream, I have to take care of stuff be right back" I decided to leave myself unmuted just for the laughs. "COME HERE CHILD" I yelled with a evil grin plastered on my face. J decided to run up and tackle her and because of my height, she can't escape."NO RANBOO IM SORRY. GET OFF ME PLEASE YOUR CRUSHING ME. I CANT BREATH. STOP."

"WELL NEXT TIME KNOCK. ILL GET OFF ONCE YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON", "AH ALRIGHT FINE. ILL KNOCK NEXT TIME NOW GET OFF ME" she then pushed me off. "Go back on your date with your boyfrien-" that's when I tackled her again. "SHUT UP HES NOT MY BOYFRIEND. WE ARE PLANNING MY LORE. AND IM NOT GAY" I yelled once again.

"OKAY IM SORRY NOW GET OFF ME AND PLEASE STOP TACKLING ME." Once she finished talking there was a silence and all you could hear was the weezing of a certain tea pot through the headset. "Tell me why you decided to barge in my room", "Because I was going to yell at you for giving tubbo my twitch and letting him raid me."

"He what?", "He raided my stream with 13k people."

"Is he still on a call with you?", "Yeah w-". I stormed off out of my room into hers and put on her headset.

Y/n pov:

Since ranboo had left me alone in his room, I decided I was going to talk to his friend. "He didn't put himself on mute. God dammit. Hello? I'm sorry for all of that. I'm y/n by the way and I'm pretty sure he doesn't tell his friends about me so I'm his twin sister."

"I didn't know he had a sister. So um what just happened? Why was there yelling and tackling?", "Well, ranboo told tubbo my twitch user and then tubbo raided me. I told ranboo to not tell any of his friends of my twitch because since I'm his sister their going to raid me and if there's to many people, because you guys are big streamers with a lit of viewers, I would get very overwhelmed and panic."

"Oh I'm sorry about that. I know I didn't raid you but I'm sorry you get like that with so many people. Yes it does get very overwhelming but what helps is thinking that you have a younger person with you. Like a cousin or a baby sibling. They're going to copy what you do, and by that I mean chat is going to clip you, pretend to be you on social media, cosplay, and all that stuff. So don't do anything that's going to embarrass you. And if that doesn't help, which you should still not do anything to embarrass you, then pretend your streaming to a few viewers. Whatever is in your comfort zone. It could be 1, 2, 3, or maybe even 100. Whatever makes you comfortable imagine that many people watching."

"Oh wow. Thank you. That's going to help me a lot. So what do I call you?"

"Well, you can call me dream or clay. If we ever stream together or you talk about me online, call me dream. If we aren't steaming and we are maybe texting, you can call me clay."

"Okay then, for now I'll call you Clay. Right now I hear ranboo yelling so I'm going to see why. I'll be right back. If I don't come back, then it was nice talking to you Clay and if you want to text, ask ranboo for my number. Bye."

As I walk off I hear a faint bye and then my ears are filled with yelling. It was ranboo. "HEY, RANBOO WHY ARE YOU YELLING. EVEN CLAY CAN HEAR YOU"

Finally the chapter is done. Srry it's a long chapter but I hope u like it. Took me a while but I did it. Also updates are going to be a little rare now bc I start school tmr. I'll try my best to update as much as I can but I'll be a little busy with hw. Give me ideas if u want. At this point I need ideas but no one give me any ;-;. Someone at least comment on how I'm doing bc I think I'm doing bad. Das all I have to say now so byeee and have a good day/afternoon/night, drink ur water and eat ur food (don't be like me and not drink water or eat) and wear hr seatbelt.

Discord: mistake#8995
Instagram: tendies_if_chicken

Words: 1225

The story of a bee 《tubbo x reader》Where stories live. Discover now