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Tubbo pov

When y/n had called to tell me about ranboo, I was so surprised. I never knew he was the type of person to fight. All I knew was that y/n needed comforting and I was the first person she went to. After I had given her my comforting, I was getting another call from someone.

"Sorry y/n but I have to go. Someone else is calling me right now but I'll call you back once I'm done."

"Okay but it's late for me right now anyways so I'll just go to bed. Night tubbo, talk to you tomorrow."

"Goodnight y/n sleep well."

I hung up on y/n and answered the other call. "Hello?"

"Hey tubbo. Just wanted to finish talking about y/n's birthday. She told me she was going to bed so now is a good time to talk about it."

"Okay tell me what we're planning."

"So remember how I suggested for you to fly over here for a week or more? Well that day she's actually going to be telling her stream that we're twins and she'll be doing face cam, obviously covering her face, so if you fly out here fly a few days before her birthday so you can be on stream."

"When is her birthday exactly so I can choose a date to fly out?"

"Her birthday is December 21st. So depending on how long you want to be out here, choose either to stay here till the 1st to the 1st on January or choose maybe 15th."

"I'll stay till the 1st of December till January 1st if that's fine. I just need to ask my parents."

"Alright then I'll let you go because it's late and I'm tired so tell me what your parents say about our plan. Goodnight tubbo sleep well."

"Night ranboo."

Once I hung up, I ran to my parents and told them everything. "Will Tommy be going? If he is it would be easier for us to let you go."

"I'm not sure if he was even invited but if he isn't going could I go?"

"That's fine. Just make good choices please. Don't go drinking, doing the devils tango, and make sure to call us twice everyday. Once when you get up and once when you go to sleep. And be safe."

"Yes mum, I know and I will. Thank you for letting me go. I'll be leaving on the 29th and hopefully get there by the 1st."

I hugged and kissed them, thanking them once more before running back to my room to share the good news to ranboo.


So my parents siad I could go for y/n's bday but they trust me more w Tommy

That's great. She doesn't know Tommy so we would have to get them to talk before that and it depends how well they get along

Ok we should have them meet later tmr

Anyways gn sleep well

I closed my phone and decided to edit some videos I recorded just to pass the time.

Y/n pov

I couldn't sleep. I decided to draw which was a talent not many people knew I had. I had more of an anime type of art style and many people like it, except they don't know it's me. They've seen my art on Twitter and Instagram but on a different account so they don't know it's me, the amazing y/u/n.

I decided to tweet on my art account that I was going to stream while I draw so I got twitch ready along with my drawing tablet. Since I had grown after tubbo had raided me that day, I had to change my voice a little but since it was late my voice would sound raspy and no one would know.

I started streaming and watched as viewers flooded in. A lot more than usual. I was shocked to see the amount of viewers I had because I usually have at least 300 but now I have 900. What a coincidence, on my main I usually have about 1k- WAIT. IM STREAMING ON MY MAIN NOT MY ART ONE???

I immediately went on Twitter to se that I had a whole bunch of comments saying I'm not live and what had happened. I put my phone down and got ready to speak to my chat. "Uh hello guys. So I didn't mean to stream. If you can't tell, I have my drawing tablet and was going to draw but I guess I accidentally went live. But uh... since I'm live, might as well just stream my art. I never told you guys but I am an artist and I have my own art accounts that I just tried to make it my separate thing away from my normal streaming. And actually, I was meant to stream on that account right now but I accidentally on this account. I'm sorry for keeping this from you guys I was just afraid but now that I'm on the topic, can you guys go follow my Twitter art account? It's the same as my twitch for art and this is the only time you guys will see art on this account. Anyways, Twitter, Instagram, and twitch is xxy/n<3xx." (DONT ASK GUYS I JUDT DONT HAVE ANY IDEAS 😭🤚)

As I finished saying my account, I immediately started getting a whole bunch of notifications on all 3 social media platforms. I got a raise in viewers because I told my art account that I was streaming on a different account and to join me which about 95% did and the other 5% said they couldn't make it.

The people who made it told my discord server for those who couldn't make it (the art acc btw) and they all followed my main as well. I streamed till 3 in the morning and I'm lucky that it's a Saturday.

Tubbo pov

I got the notification that y/n was streaming and I joined just out of curiosity. I learned that y/n draws and is actually really good at it. I wonder what else she does that no one knows about. I followed her on my secret accounts that my fans don't know about because I need my private life you know.

I think this hidden talent she has is cute. WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING I CANT LIKE HER. HER BROTHER IS GONNA KILL ME IF HE KNEW I LIKED HER. It's okay just need to calm down a little.

3rd person pov

As tubbo thought of the girl, he didn't realize he was blushing at the thought of her and that he started turning a little red. Little did y/n know that the bee boy was watching her stream, hearing her talk about random things that came to mind. Little did she know that the bee boy started to feel feelings he never knew he could feel for someone.

Little did she know that the future had started already.

Hello ppl. Lol this took a lot longer than it should've srry. Ik I said I was gonna post a chapter but yk I got rlly busy and stressed. Idk if I'll have time to constantly post chapters like I said I would but I'm trying. This chapter is a filler which is why it's lazy but I tried.

Das all I gotta say so have good morning/afternoon/night, drink water and eat food and pay ur taxes

Discord: 🎃ami🎃#8995
Insta: tendies_if_chicken
Snap: o_r1357
Words: 1272

The story of a bee 《tubbo x reader》Where stories live. Discover now