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As the boys were getting settled into their rooms for their stay, ranboo and I decided to take out some board games incase they wanted to play. Ranboo was incharge of getting games and movies ready while I was incharge of snacks. Before Toby and Tommy flew out here , I sent them a list of American snacks they might like and stuff ranboo and I already have. This was without knowing they were coming over.

Ranboo had went to buy the snacks they wanted, and me being an idiot, didn't realize it was the ones I recommended and just thought ranboo was hungry.

I took them all out and set them on the table. Then I brought out some red disposable cups filled with ice and a variety of drinks. Once everything was all set up, we went to check on our guests. Tommy was unpacking while tubbo was getting into pajamas because he finished unpacking.

Ranboo and I decided we should also change into pajamas. We came back down to see the boys already on the couch talking to eachother. "Okay so do you guys want to watch a movie or play games? By the way motherboo and fatherboo won't come down a lot unless it's necessary so no need to worry about them coming down. Also this is a holy Christian house so please don't cuss. Tomathy if you do you're getting kicked out." I said.

"L-lets watch a movie" Tommy said worried knowing thats going to be a difficult task for him. "Youngest gets to choose" tubbo yelled out. "HAMILTON", "OH MY GOD TUBBO WHY" ranboo had yelled out.

*time skip to end of movie lol*

"It's FINALLY OVER. TOMATHY YOURE NEVER ALLOWED TO CHOOSE MOVIES." I personally hate musicals so this was like torture for me. "IT WASNT THAT BAD", "YOU WERE SINGING THE WHOLE TIME. IT WAS BAD". Our bickering continued until ranboo stopped us. "Okay maybe we should just play games instead.

Want to take a guess at what ranboo chose?


The destroyer of friendships. First round we did the normal rules. You know, the ones without stacking. The rules where simple. The usual match the colors and/or number, use a reverse, skip, and any plus by the color, no stacking. We took out the swap hands because this was just the start and things would go crazy if we used it which is why we're waiting for later rounds.

We added a rule. The winner gets to choose a loser and do a dare. We wrote multiple dares on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. We did 10 dares each person just so there was enough for lots of rounds.

*time skip again*

I had 4 cards left. Ranboo, 7. Toms, 10. Tubbo, 2. It was very intense. We were going counterclockwise which started with Tommy, ranboo, me, and tubbo. It was my turn. I had a trick up my sleeve. The cards i had left were 2 +4's, a yellow 0, and a red skip. Pretty good deck. The current color was red. I skipped tubbo. Tommy put another red skip. I put down a +4 and said yellow. Tubbo drew is 4. Tommy put a yellow 5. Ranboo put a yellow skip. Tubbo put a yellow reverse. It was my turn once again. I put down my yellow 0 and yelled uno. Ranboo now feeling the pressure thought about his next move. He shakily put down a yellow reverse and I slammed my +4 on the table.

"Time for me to choose a loser" I said with an evil grin. "OH TOMATHY. GO TO THE HAT". He got up and walked slumped to the hat. He took out a piece of paper and read aloud "Record yourself shouting out everyone's twitch and YouTube except yours and say how cool we are and that we make minecraft 100,000,000 (100 million btw) times funnier".

We started bursting out laughing at the dare. Ranboo the loudest because it was the one he wrote. "Can I do it later?","No" we all said at the same time.

"ILL BE THE CAMERA MAN" I yelled while jumping to get his phone.

*a bit later*

"Okay ready? 3...2...1 GO!" I pushed record.
"Hello guys. It's big T. I have an important announcement. You guys should totally subscribe to y/u/n, tubbo, and ranboo on twitch and YouTube. Make sure to subscribe with twitch prime. They are so awesome and cool. Such nice people. Heh. They make minecraft 100,000,000 (100 million) times better I promise. Heh. BYE." He yelled while running up to the camera to stop it so people would think he was recording it. During the recording ranboo had taken out Tommy's vlog gun and slowly moved it to where the camera would see it.
Like in ranboos vid when he had him promote his merch if I didn't explain it well enough

"Good job. Now let me write the description." I snatched his phone and ran to the corner like a gremlin. They all laughed and started to get the next round ready.

Dear Tommy's channel,
It is I, y/n ur beloved. Yes. Me. I stole toms phone to write this. Everything he said is true. I definitely didn't win a round of uno and dared him to do this alr. This was out of the kindness of his heart bc he loves us sm. Now go do it. THANK U  MY LOVELIES <3
Yours truly,
Y/n ur beloved <3

I pressed the publish button and ran back. "Tommy if I find out u changed the description or deleted the vid, say goodbye to your wives." I gave the phone back and went back to sit in the spot I was sitting at for the new round of uno.

*time skip more rounds bc I'm lazy*

It's been many fun rounds. I've won most of them.
1st: me
2nd: ranboo
3rd: tubs
4th: toms
It ended with me having to tweet something embarrassing about myself or from my past.


Y/n :)
I was dared to say something embarrassing about myself or my past. It's time I tell u guys. Once when I was little, in my old house we had carpet. Ranboo and I both had these rubber swords we'd play with. So one day when I was like 4 or 5, I'm running from the farthest room with both swords in my hands. I was pretending I was skiing. So I was running through the house, and our back door to get outside was right there. I run head first into it. Not bc I didn't see it (it was clear door btw) but bc I thought I could go through it while running. Ye so in doing that, some of the rubber on ranboos sword came off and he got rlly mad at me. Enjoy this embarrassing story. I HOPE UR HAPPY TUBSO

a/n: guys this is actually a real story of mine. That was me who hit my head. In this case, ranboo was my sister and she got mad at me


The rest of the night continued with 1 round of monopoly, some connect 4, minecraft, Mario kart, and movies. We went to bed at 6 am and woke up at 4 later on.
A/n: IM BACM GUYS. 5 MORE DAYS LEFT OF SCHOOL WOOOO. MAYBE ILL BE MORE ACTIVE WRITING IDK. anyways I kinda liked this chapter. Plz tell me u guys do
This was written on May 24th
Update: I'm so srry I didn't post this sooner I had bad writers block lol (update from July 25th)
Discord: some person#8995
Insta: catdogratfoot
Snap: urmomlovesme_l
Words: 1333

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