🎹🎶 playing the piano 🎼

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•Kokichi Pov•

Tw: hanging
Mention of death

After a bit of them talking and me writing, kaede exclaimed that she want to play the piano and ask if we wanted to hear her play.  Of course most of us agreed to, and that's how I ended up in this room. She started to play 'Clair de Lune' if I remember correctly,  it was very relaxing everyone in the room looks comfortable and relaxed except for kaede, she has a weird look on her face almost like she is scared. Then suddenly the lovely music change to a weirdly played 'der flohwalzer' making everyone stand in horror remembering her execution , her struggling while getting picked up by the rope, her  body just hanging there, her getting crushed  by the spiked wall . After some time the horrendous music stops and kaede start to clawed her neck,  everyone rushed over to her trying to calm her down

Clair de Lune:

Der flohwalzer:

sorry 😔}

When we finally got her to calm down, "I'm so sorry everyone, I don't know what had happened . I guess I've gotten the 'episode again and accidentally played my execution song" she apologized "well since that's over maybe we could go to the garden and maybe clear our heads? " she questioned,  all of us nod our head shocked still plastered on our face but then I write something on my whiteboard 'I have never actually been to the garden before,  this is great!:)'   "   well I gotta agree too since we just woke up a week ago,  we don't have enough time to go cause of the check ups every once a day "kaito spoke up and I, kibs and mugi just nod to say that we agree with him " we just found out this place from hajime last night so obviously we never been there " Maki said not-that coldly

We all started to go to the garden with kaito pushing my wheelchair, when we get I was pretty shock and kaito seems to agree with me.  The garden was absolutely gorgeous, there are tons of different types of flowers everywhere and they all are very colorful and there are this arch way that's covered in flowered vines.  Kaede then lead all of us to a lake filled with beautiful flowers and put a blanket on the ground "come on everyone,  join me on the picnic blanket " she says with a wide smile assuring us to join her and we all do as said. I've also noticed that there's a swing connected to a tree that's covered with flowered vines at the far right.

The garden:

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That's it!

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That's it!

This is just a short chapter that I made since I won't be able to update much due to school so I'm very sorry for that

I found all of the picture at Pinterest

Bye! ♡

475 words

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