V3 reunion♡ 4.(final)

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Kaede Pov •

'so, do you guys live together or do you live separately ' kokichi wrote on the mini whiteboard putting it in front of the survivors they read it "we l-""we all live together in a two story house " maki quickly answer cutting shuich off as I stared at her hair that has been cut short and put into a ponytail by using a small red ribbon, I look over to kokichi as he write 'okay, what do you guys do for a living? ' he wrote also putting it in front of the survivors "we have a job as a detective, I normally investigate murder cases while maki and himiko shoplifting and missing cases" shuichi said nervously, I realized that he wasn't wearing his really doesn't fit any style hat which is very great. I really hate that hat but I will never say it in front of him.  I feel someone nudging me and it was kokichi "yes?" I said quietly before reading the things that kokichi wrote on it it says 'kae-chan are you okay,  you've been staring at maki-chan for a long while " " yes,  I'm obviously okay and I'm not staring!? " I whispered yelled blushing furiously as kokichi wrote something down 'yeah yeah, whatever floats your boat I guess " he showed it with a menacing smile to me as I turned as red as himiko's hair ...

•Shuichi Pov •

I looked at the two who are whispering to each other well kaede's the one who's whispering since kokichi couldn't talk,  well whatever they are whispering with kaede blushing really bright red and kokichi putting the white board in front of her with a menacing smile on his face. I must admit I'm a little jealous and maki seems to feel the same as she is glaring daggers at the now lavender-white haired boy that has a pretty long hair "what are you two whispering about " Maki said broking the silence "oh nothing, just normal kokichi's teasing " kaede said with an awkward smile still red though. "well whatever, can you guys explain to us how your mark after the game is? " maki ask " sure, we go by death order okay everyone " kaede said nervously,

" I have random headache from time to time and there's nothing you can do to help " rantaro goes first " I sometimes unable to breathe and talk and I sometimes randomly started to clawed my neck and the only way for me to stop is by taking my hands away from my neck and calm me down " kaede's second "my body often ache in different places and I less likely to be standing because it hard to " ryoma third"my body sometimes gets really sore and hurts absolutely bad so I can't really do much when it happened " kirumi's forth "me and tenks got a pretty bad neck pain but Angie also sometimes have small headaches " Angie and tenko's fifth and sixth "kehehe, I have often body aches and pains " korekiyo's seventh " I often can't fucking breathe and its very fucking annoying " miu's eighth "gonta have bad tummy ache sometimes "gonta's ninth 'I'm mostly pretty obvious but I'm gonna tell you anyway,  I temporarily unavailable to walk and talked,  my hair turned white because of the poison and my body sometimes aches' kokichi's tenth " I sometimes cough out blood and there nothing you can do to stop it sadly" kaito's eleventh '....' kiboo's twelfth " same as kokichi I temporarily unable to walk for a few months " tsumugi's thirteenth .

Me and the survivors from our game stood there a tiny bit shocked hearin- ...and reading kokichi's whiteboard "Nyeh, I'm sorry to hear that " himiko pity "no, it's fine most of us know how to help the other 7 react when there in there worse feeling " rantaro inform.  And after that we just continue chatting with each other...

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