9- The Power Sphere Lab

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"Our age is three years gap... I fear people might judge us for that.... But i don't care, you are one of the people i care so much. I want to be there for you, be your bodyguard, be your prince, be your hero. And maybe... Just maybe.. One day, i can finally call you mine."

After Gaga Naz had crashed into on of the machines in the factory, Bora Ra approached his companion and was fuming in rage. "How could you lose to a kid?!" He snapped.

"I-I'm sorry Captain" The muscular alien apologized, quickly regaining his stance and went back on chasing Klamkabot in rage, shooting a bunch of lasers at the giant Power Sphere.

Klamkabot miserably tried to dodge all the attacks as some of it manage to scrape his metal surface.

Bora Ra eventually got tired of this, creating a small black hole on his palm before throwing it towards Klamkabot— who dodged this with ease.

Unfortunately, the black hole began to grow as a suction force mixed with a magnetic force before it slowly vanish but it hitted one of machine of the factory; a claw crane, as it began falling towards the giant Power Sphere.

Klamkabot knew he wouldn't dodge it in time especially with his size, he began to look around the place for the others to land as his yellow robotic eyes had landed on the near by flat belt conveyor before drawing his attention to the kids.

"Don't forget your mission Ochobot!!" He said, using all his remaining strength to throw the giant tool box towards the flat belt conveyor, catching the kids off guard— not knowing the giant claw crane had collapsed on Klamkabot.

"AHHH!!!!" The young heroes screamed in fear, the girls were hugging each other for dear life while the boys including Ochobot were clutching onto the railing of the tool box.

The giant tool box had bounce around once it landed on the flat belt conveyor before finally landing upside down, trapping the kids inside.

Klamkabot was slowly emerging from the debris that collapsed onto him, he was holding one of his spider-like legs that seems to be damaged and fleed away, unfortunately. Bora Ra had saw the giant Power Sphere escaping, it made him growl in frustration.

"I'll take care of Klamkabot! And you! Transform and annihilate those kids!!" He commanded before following the fleeing giant Power Sphere.

"Copy that Captain!" Gaga Naz replied, having an evil grin displaying on his face. The alien began to change into a much bigger size, destroying some of his armors as spikes had emerged from his back and landed on the flat belt conveyor where the heroes were.

The poor kids doesn't even know what's coming next.

Yaya then slowly lifted the giant tool box up with the help of Y/n, taking this chance. Boboiboy slowly peeked outside, checking if they're enemy is anywhere in sight.

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