Chapter 5

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Mei's PoV

'You look so peaceful like this.. Your slow and light breathing sound so calm.. The way you change always manage to astound me.. You were always so chipper when awake but so still when asleep..'

'What must I do to attain you.. You loathed me so much for doing it against your will.. I've never seen you look at me that way.. As if I was a disgusting creature that shouldn't have existed.. You wouldn't have looked at me in such a way.. It was all because of that coney. The one you call as your girlfriend..'

The sound of the heart's rapid beating reached my ears. Blood dripped down, staining my white shirt.

My mind was in a mess as my head kept aching while the thirst to erase her existence grows.


I adjusted my position and looked at her. The corner of her lips slanted up. The ache in my chest disappears as a fuzzy feeling warms my heart. I hissed as I felt the sudden pain on my lip.


I had just realized that I was biting my lip so hard it bled. I looked at Yuzu and noticed her frown.

'Her saliva's dripping onto the pillow..'

My lips curved on it's own as her silly acts pleased me. I leaned forward and noticed her trying to lick me. I laughed lightly and kissed her softly while she unconsciously lick and suck my lip.

After a few seconds I separated from her when I stopped feeling her tongue on my skin. The blood stopped as her saliva still remains on my lip.

She continued sleeping peacefully and snuggled onto the pillow.

'Your complexion seems better than how it is this morning. You can't live without my blood.. Only I can satisfy your need.. You'll die without me.. That's why, just be obedient and stay by my side..'

Seeing her on my bed like how she used to breaks something in me.

'Even if we have only been seperated for a few months, I am deeply affected by it. Constant whispers of insecurity warns me of losing her. You're a curse and a blessing to me, you have chosen me as your victim and I find it beneficial.'

My head's still spinning with so much in my mind. I didn't change the bed sheet on purpose, seeing her sleeping on the wet and sticky bed contents me.

'No matter how much you try to get my scent off you, it won't fade until the end of this month. Your girlfriend wouldn't want to get close to you..'

My eyelids felt heavy as the fatigue finally kicked in. Being in her arms look so tempting, unfortunately I have no time to rest peacefully in her arms yet.

Yuzu's PoV

I jumped out the bed immediately when my eyes opened. I felt my heart break waking up in this room. The smell of sweat and cum hit my nose and my body ached immediately as I tried moving.

I gathered my clothes and wore it before opening the curtains. I bit my lip seeing the sun shining so brightly.

'How could it be morning.. I can't get out like this.. I could fly in my bat form but not in the day. There's security waiting outside the gate too..'

Hesitantly I went out through the door and sigh in relief as I didn't spot Mei.

'I can't believe I fucking slept with her! She's crazy! Fucking insane!'

I pressed onto the elevator's button rapidly but when it opened, Mei was inside.

'Nonononono! I can't escape even if I went through the stairs!'

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