The Red Snake and Drops of Sugar, Part Two

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In which three days have passed, and now it's time for Shu to battle in the tournament to earn his place among the Masked Bladers. If he can do that, then he can begin the next phase of his plan to help Theodore recover the Snake Pit.
(Continuation of Drops of Burnt Sugar, set during early Evolution. Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach crossover, set after the V.I.P. Ending.)


The day of the tournament has finally arrived. I take a deep breath, letting my chest expand as far as it will go, then I let it out very slowly in order to steel my nerves. Are you ready, Spryzen?

I look to my partner, watching the light flash off of its top layer as it gives its answer. I smile and hold it close to my chest. I knew you'd say that. We can do this, I know we can.

Everyone turns to face the door as our overseer steps into the barracks and smirks at us, calling out, "Well, aren't you all up bright and early? Good. That sort of drive will certainly take you far in the tournament- but before that, you all need to fuel up for today. C'mon."

Everyone files out of the room and heads to the cafeteria for breakfast. Like always, I eat light so I don't make myself sick, going with some hard-boiled eggs, a banana and a couple fish patties. I sit in a quieter corner where I can be by myself, wanting to work up some strategies for facing against the other trainees.

Before long, the Masked Bladers come for breakfast, and while they get in line Sun pads over to me, offering a smile as he greets, "Good morning, Shu!"

"Good morning, Sun."

"How are you holding up? You're not too nervous, right?"

"I'm moreso apprehensive," I murmur, my gaze falling away. "I feel like if I were to lose today, then that would mean that all the training I've done these past few days... Was all for nothing. I wouldn't have truly grown stronger, and I would be lost on what to do."

Sun lets out a soft breath, murmuring, "I see. May I give you my opinion?" I nod in answer. "I think that kind of mindset is far too cruel to yourself. I understand that you want to prove to yourself that you're growing as a Blader and becoming someone who could beat Free, but you have to remember that it's a process. You can't turn a seed into a tree overnight, nor can you become the best Blader possible in just three days."

I lift my head to meet his gaze, seeing him muster a comforting smile. "You have a remarkable drive, Shu. All you need is just a little more patience and understanding for yourself, and you'll go so far. You know?"

"Yes, I do," I mumble, biting my lip. He's completely right. Expecting so much of myself never leads me to anything but disappointment and shame. But still, I have a lot riding on this...

He reaches out and cups my face in his hand, brushing his thumb over my cheek with all the patience of a loving mother as he reassures me, "I have every confidence in you, Shu. Whether you win or lose, I'll be so proud of you because I know you'll have done your best and that you worked hard at it. And to me, that's all that matters."

Hearing that strikes a chord I never even knew existed within me, causing my eyes to sting with tears. I try to blink them back as quickly as I can and Sun coos softly, skirting to my side of the table and whispering, "Can I give you a hug?"

I nod, not trusting myself to speak. He wraps his arms around me and holds me close, the gentle pressure more comforting than I ever thought it would be. Even the texture of his shell feels nice against my skin, warm and smooth like silk. It makes it all the more enticing to break down right in his arms from the pain I never even knew I felt, but remembering that we're not alone is what keeps me from it. Instead, I force myself to take deep, slow breaths and squeeze my eyes shut tight until the storm passes. Spryzen lets off an aura of warmth of my hip, trying to help me.

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