As kaycee shook her hands, trying to release some nerves, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, she smiled as she found a text from her best friend.

Little T💗

good luck today girl! I love and believe in you❣️

love you too t! ill text you when im done💕

im so sorry I couldn't be there kk, i'm cheering for you though!

its ok, wish your mom a happy birthday for me!!❤️

will do, kill it out there like I know you can girl❣️❣️

Kaycees nerves lowered as she placed her phone back in her pocket, feeling lucky to have a friend that was so supportive of her.

"Ok were gonna start our auditions now." a loud voice came out over the loud speaker. "first up, the legend himself, Mr. Sean Lew."

everyone cheered, excited to hear his performance. Sean took quick steps out to the middle of the stage, waving to the drama teacher who was seated in the audience. The music started and kaycee instantly recognized the song to be this town by Niall Horan. She had never heard him sing before, but wow was he incredible, she could now see why he always the lead... it was well deserved. he sang with a softness that broke her heart. She watched him intently from the curtains, tears welling in her eyes.

everything comes back to you...

he finished, breaking character and giving small laugh and a bow before running off, greeted with high fives and praises by his friends. kaycee discreetly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, wondering how someone like him could sing like that...


seans pov

sean's audition had gone well, at least he thought it had gone well. he had sang one of his new favourite songs, his heart breaking every time he heard it, wishing he could relate to it, wishing he had a someone.

he went to sit down on one of the benches on the side of the stage, giving him good view of the auditions, scoping out who else was there. There were a few girls who had done the musicals in the past, some of them leading as his opposite lead, but were never good enough to get it again the next year, there had never been anyone who had just clicked with him. Sean watched a few audition, all were pretty decent, but nothing extraordinary.

"next up... kaycee rice!" the announcer said, as a small girl with dark hair walked sheepishly out onto the stage. Sean had never seen her before, and wasn't sure how he hadn't noticed her. she had a sort of glow that emanated from her, her eyes sparkling from the bright stage lights. She gave a small smile to the teacher and nervously took her place behind the microphone, taking a deep breath before the music started. A simple melody played from the speakers, filling the room with a calm innocence, she opened her mouth to start and sean's jaw dropped.

There you are with your college friends
You played in their marching band
I can't help but wish I knew you then
But I guess I know you now
It looks as if I've stumbled right into the palm of your hand

She sang with a tenderness that made his body freeze, as if she would break if he moved a muscle. Her eyes closed as she swayed slowly with the music, her voice growing and falling with the lyrics.

Hey you
Hey mister knock on my door
I'm sorry that I've been emotions galore
Am I crazy for wanting a little bit more?
A little more of you
A little more, a little more of you...

she finished softly, and the room was quiet. a blush rose to her cheeks as he saw her nerves return.

"wow kaycee." he heard their teacher say. "that was incredible."

"thank you." kaycee replied sheepishly, her blush growing stronger. she seemed so small on the big stage, it made Sean want to wrap her in his arms, to protect her. he was startled at his thoughts, never once had he felt this way so suddenly about someone, for gods sake he'd never even talked to this girl. She quickly walked off, nervously playing with her braids. Sean, stood up from his bench and raced towards her.

"kaycee!" he called, following out of the auditorium, into the back hallway of the school. She turned around, obviously startled to see that it was him who had called her. Sean moved towards her, stopping about 5 feet away, giving her a smile. "that was amazing."

"thank you." she replied, her hands still tugging on her braid, a small smile on her face as she looked at the ground.

"im sean." he said, extending his arm out towards her.

"I know," she said quietly, looking up towards him. he could tell she was uncomfortable, he moved his hand away from her, running it through his hair awkwardly. he gave a low chuckle, trying to break the silence.

"why have I never seen you around school?" he asked her, genuinely curious.

"im not really involved in any school activities, I usually just hang out with my friend tahani." he noted the way her eyes lit up when she mentioned her friend, making Sean smile back automatically.

"what made you decide to audition then?" he questioned, leaning his shoulder on the wall of lockers.

"I wanted to try something new, have a couple typical high school experiences... and I love to sing and even though i've never sang in front of people, I figured I may as well give it a shot. The musical just seems like so much fun, I'd be so excited to even just make it into the chorus." she shrugged her shoulders, clearly unaware of how talented she was.

Seans mouth opened in shock. "that was your first time performing onstage???" he asked, bewildered at how that was possible, she was a natural.

"I mean, yea." she said, a small giggle escaping from her lips. "why? was it awful?" she said quickly, a small panic settling on her face.

"no no no! absolutely not!" Sean assured, he reached over to touch her shoulder not really realizing what he was doing. he felt a spark as he touched her, making shivers all over his body, realizing what a mistake his action was as he saw the look of fear cross kaycees face, he quickly pulled his hand back. "sorry." he stuttered, looking towards the ground.

"im sorry Sean, but I have to go." she said, his heart immediately dropped as he saw how uncomfortable he had made her.

"oh ok, ill see you in rehearsals?" he asked, hopeful that he hadn't destroyed whatever this was.

"if I even make it in." she said as she took a few steps away before turning back to face him, giving a small smile and a wave.

he watched her til the last second she was visible to him, placing his head in the palm of his hand as soon as she had turned the corner.

"ugh im such an idiot.." he muttered to himself, turning to return to the auditorium, already dreading the hold the small girl had on him.

i see the light// seayceeWhere stories live. Discover now