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"No quote today, I'm running on two hours of sleep"

I woke up with a headache, and blurred vision. How cliche.

Without warning, the events that led up until now, replayed in my head. Shockingly, I remembered most of it.

The pain in my shoulder was enough to jog my memory as it was, I couldn't believe what I had done.

Wincing, I looked around at my surroundings once my vision cleared a little. 

The first thing that caught my eye was a window.

The cloudy daylight was blocked by thick brown curtains just enough that only thin slits of overcast light shone through onto the hospital bed making the room itself seem almost as glum as I felt.

What I wouldn't give to be back in my own bed with my comfortable blankets instead of these standard scratchy ones.

My eyes hurt, and everything on me from the neck down felt numb.

I scanned the hospital room, it was of decent size and looked to have a bathroom positioned on the right of the room near the door.

I turned my head to the left, and instantly wished I hadn't. There, slumped in a visitor chair was Kai. He was asleep, or looked to be anyway. it confused me that I hadn't noticed him until now. Why was he here? How long had he been in here? Based on his messy hair, and my blood stains decorating his skin, I guessed since I had gotten here. Who knows when that was.

I had no concept of time especially since I didn't know when I had arrived in the first place. I assumed it was the next day, since it was daylight. There wasn't a clock in the room which made it even harder to guess when exactly I arrived to now.

My right arm was in a sling, which made it so I could only use my left.

I lifted my hand up to touch my face, my fingers brushed against the oxygen tube that was in my nose, and I felt the need to yank it out.

"Go back to sleep, Rowan."

I glanced over, Kai was now sitting up straight, his hands rested on his lap, and his eyes were trained on mine.

I didn't have a comeback, so i stayed silent.

Just then, the door clicked open, and Monica's wild curls were all that I could see.

I instantly felt more relaxed as she strode past Kai's chair and sat beside me on the bed.

"How are you feeling honey?" She asked, her face was etched in worry. "The doctor said you'll make a full recovery. Isn't that amazing?"

I wished i could say it was, but it felt anything but amazing. Kai seemed more on edge than anything which made my nerves go through the roof.

"Do you need anything? Are you hungry? You're parents will be here soon."

My parents?

"What she needs is rest, Monica."

I turned my head towards Kai, he was now standing up, blocking the little amount of light that shone on my bed.

"She's slept for twelve hours, Kai. It would do her some good to talk to people who care about her."

Even though I had only known Monica for three days, I felt more comfortable with her than I did with my parents and Kai put together.

Monica ignored Kai, "does it hurt any to move?"

Her eyes were trained on my shoulder, heavily bandaged and wrapped in a sling, you couldn't see much.

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