He looked down and his face immediately softened as he looked at Athena. He told her that she was a tough cookie but I didn't really care I just want to get her back to my place.

The whole way home I felt her stiff body on my chest. I felt wetness on my shoulder and I started to get some tears in my eyes.

My baby...

She tried to look at me but I moved her head back down. I know that if she saw me she would get all worried and forget about herself.

I felt wetness on my shirt and I was really hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. Athena cried in pain making Tyler step on the gas.

When we got back to the base I walked to my room and she accidentally saw Sofis's blood on the floor but I quickly made her look away.

After I got her cleaned up I kissed her one last time before asking her what happened.

She took a deep breath and explained everything to me. "These three really big guys came in and I ran to my room and hid, and then they found me and started hitting me, and then one of them bent down and said that his name is 'Marek' and that I was 'too pretty for this life' which is a total lie..but then you got me and I'm here..." I leaned forward and placed my forehead on hers.

I felt pissed but at the same time, I felt terrible that she had to go through that just because of me.

Her body got really stiff and I know she is holding in tears. I got up and walked around the bed.

I got in and pulled her in by her waist making sure not to hurt her. I tilted her head up and cupped her cheek. "Cry. Don't hold it in, I'm here and I won't judge you." I spoke while rubbing her cheek.

She snuggled into my chest and suddenly she let out the loudest, heart-shattering sobs. Her sobs filled my ears and I felt my heart squeeze.

I rubbed her back and she cried harder. I know that all of these tears aren't just from today. "Its okay baby let it all out," I whispered in her ear as her body shook with more sobs.

If my room wasn't soundproof I'm pretty sure the whole house could hear her cries. Her voice started to give out so I know I have to stop her before she gets hurt or lost her voice.

I slowly took her head out of my chest and she tried to go back to her hiding spot. "No! Let me go back...please." I wanted to give in but I didn't want her to have no voice.

I tilted her head up and shook my head. She whimpered and nodded while kissing my palm. She may not notice but I picked up that trait from her.

She let out a sigh and I leaned down and kissed her busted lip. She hissed and I tried to pull away but she pulled me back in.

She won't let go of me and I don't think I truly want her to. She pull away for air and looked up at me.

Her red puffy eyes were almost swollen shut she had a bruise on her jaw and a giant shoe mark on the side of her face, she also had a black eye and busted lips that were slightly swollen.

I got up out of bed and she tried to grab my arm, I turned around and bent down to her level. "Just stay here I will be right back." She nodded and turned her head and I walked out of the door.

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