Chapter 9💕

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Athena's pov

I heard a door slam open and I groaned while rolling over in my bed. "Athena. Amirah. Get up right now." I panicked when I heard my dad calling us.

I totally forgot that we had school today. I pushed Amirah and she groaned while slowly waking up. We both sat up and my dad glared at us.

He sighed and put his head down. "Wanna tell me why the neighbors just told me that two men carried you two in last night?" I felt my eyes get wide as I remember parts of last night.

He sighed and shook his head. "Just get ready. Athena, I need to talk to you alone." I nodded and got out of my bed.

I walked out of my room and my dad was standing by the stairs. I kept my head down as he started talking. "Athena, is there anything you wanna tell me?" I felt a warm hand on my shoulder as I shook my head no.

He sighed and stood in front of me. "Okay well, tonight cancel all plans. Me and you are going out." With that, he kissed my forehead and walked down the stairs.

Before I could walk away he called out to me. "Oh and Athena, tell Amirah to be ready by seven." I nodded and walked back to my room.

I told Amirah and she nodded while brushing her teeth. I got undressed quickly and just threw on some black pants and a white shirt. I also grabbed a plain black hoodie.

While I was brushing my teeth my phone started to ring. I spit out the toothpaste and wiped my mouth. I grabbed my phone and answered it.

Me: Hello?

Kahli: You shouldn't answer the phone for strangers.

Me: You aren't a stranger. So what's up?

Kahli: Do you need a ride today?

Me: No my dad is taking me and Amirah out tonight and...ow!

Kahli: What did you do?

Me: Nothing. Anyway, I gotta go to school but thanks for last night.

Kahli: Yeah yeah, it's whatever. Goodbye, Athena.


I chuckled and put my phone in my back pocket. I grabbed my shoes and my backpack while walking out of the door.

I had a killer headache this morning so I took some Advil but I vow that after last night I will never drink again.

When I got downstairs I saw my dad and Amirah talking about something. I kissed my dad on the cheek and sat down.

I just drank some apple juice while waiting for Amirah to finish eating. My dad turned to me and smiled so I smiled back. "My girls are all grown up." He faked like he was crying and I patted his shoulder.

Once Amirah was done I stood up and walked to the door. "Bye girls have a good day love you!" We both yelled 'I love you' back as we walked out of the door.

Amirah was really quiet this morning and it made me nervous. Was it about the kiss last night?

She turned to me when we got in the car and sighed. "Can we forget about the whole kiss thing?" I sighed in relief and instantly nodded my head.

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