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I'm sitting on my bed casually counting the huge bag of quarters I scored from my mom and helping her out with what she needs when Dustin's voice comes blaring through my walkie. "Y/n? Lucas? Do you copy? I've got four quarters what's your haul?"

"Take your puny haul and multiply it by five." Lucas replies.


"While you were scrounging around like a homeless bum, I mowed old man Humphrey's lawn."

"Old man Humphrey's got that kind of cash?" I heard Dustin ask.

"Just call Mike already." Lucas says.

"You call Mike."

At this point I'm not even going to butt into their conversation, I cannot handle their drama.

"I have to go take a shower from doing real work, like a man. Over and out." Hearing Lucas boast about his work makes me bust out laughing and pick up the walkie.

"Dustin don't worry I've got a whole bag of quarters so I'll show Lucas." I say smiling even though he can't see me.

"What? How the hell-"

"I have a rich family Dustin." I add reminding the curly haired boy.

"Right, well I'm gonna call Mike I'll see you soon. Over and out." Dustin says then I turn off my walkie and leave my room making my way downstairs.

"Mom I'm gonna go to the arcade with the boys!" I holler at my mom having no idea where she is in the house and head out the front door jumping onto my bike.

~Small Time Skip~

We're all watching Dustin play Dragon's Lair cheering him on.

To slay the dragon, use the magic sword.

"Oh, Jesus! I'm in uncharted territory here guys." Dustin says as he progresses through the game.

"Down! Down! Down!" We all yell in his ears.

"I'm going! I'm going!" He yells back. He keeps repeating himself until we all start yelling once again. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!"

He spams the sword button and we all gasps as his character suddenly gets burnt to ashes by the dragon, "No. No. No! I hate this overpriced bullshit!" He yells kicking the base of the game, "Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!"

"You're not nimble enough, but you'll get there one day." Lucas says leaning against the game console smiling at Dustin. "But until then Princess Daphne is still mine!"

"Whatever I'm still tops on Centipede and Dig-Dug." Dustin sighs shaking his head.

"You sure about that?" We all turn to Keith who has his hands stuck in a bag of cheese curls like always.

"Sure about what?" Dustin looks at him confused while he just sticks another cheese curl in his mouth. "You're kidding me. No no no!" Me and Dustin run making our way through the crowd of people and over to Dig-Dug.

"751,300 points!" Will says shocked.

"That's impossible!" Mike adds on.

"MadMax?" Dustin questions.

I turn to Keith and look at him, "Who's MadMax?"

"Better then you." He says looking at Dustin.

"Is it you?" He questions.

"Pfft, you know I despise Dig-Dug." He scoffs as if it's some big deal.

"Then who is it?" He asks again.

I miss my lover~ Max Mayfield X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now