Chapter thirty-one

Mulai dari awal

You are its master, my wolf tells me, you control it, and it follows.

"Bella?" Dean says my name cautiously. My eyes snap from the fog onto Dean, glaring daggers at him. My silver eyes pierce into his, so much that I can see the glow in his eyes as if he was the Silver Wolf.

"You lost the consent to call me that a long time ago" I growl. The fog becomes thick around my waist, trying to pull me back.

"Isabella" Tate growls low. I ignore him, earning another annoyed growl.

"Are you alright Isa?" Kate asks, stepping closer to me. She's brave, I'll grant her that. Dean grips her arm and pulls her back, knowing that I can't control myself right now. The fog lingers low on the ground until it finds Deans feet. I watch it tie itself around his ankles, then pull back with force. Dean falls to the ground in shock.

Whatever you feel, your element feels. My wolf says with a smile. If you want to trip someone, it'll do it for you.

The fog seeps back towards me, joining the rest, encircling me like a barrier.

My abilities seem to take control, mixing with my emotions and doing what they please.

The air finally picks up around me, blowing around in a circular motion. My arms lift out to the side, palms facing up. The fog climbs my body like a vine on a fence. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Noah's mother take Jakiah and run for the Pack house. Darcey is holding his arm, trying to stay on her feet. The rush of wind is affecting everyone but me, not even my hair is blowing around.

"Isabella, what's wrong?!" Dean yells over the wind. My wolf has my smile turning into a sly grin. He's not going to know what happened.

"You lied to me" I whisper, shaking in anger. My smile falls into a frown as I watch the wind turn into silver streaks. "I trusted you, all of you"

The girls are holding onto their mates in tight grips. Dean stands up and pushes towards me. Tate growls at his actions, causing Dean to stop and look at me with sad eyes.

"I never wanted to hurt you!" he yells over the wind. "I did what Alpha Tate told me to!"

A tear falls from my eye. I trusted him more than anyone else other than Darcey. I called him my brother, he took care of me, he even stopped some of the beatings by showing up unexpectedly at Jason's. What I hate most of all is that they knew, all of them fucking knew, and they did nothing. I don't care what Tate told them to do, if they really were my friends, they would have stopped it before it started.

I drop my arms to my side as I stare at him. The air stops abruptly, the silver streaks shooting from the air and into my hand. My hand glows brightly before going back to normal. I feel the energy of the silver streaks climbing through my body.

"You knew" I spat angrily at them. "You knew what he did to me. I trusted you more than anyone Dean! I trusted you more than I trusted myself! All of those years where you pretended to be my friends just so that you could keep me safe! Thanks to all of you I have scars that are never going to go away! You did nothing to stop him!"

Tears stream down my cheeks and I wipe them away quickly. I don't want them to see me crying, but it's unstoppable. I look at the tears on my hand.

Silver tears.

I wipe my hands on my shorts and hug myself. Tate tries to come near me, but I stop him with a wall of air. He hits it, causing the air to make waves through the wall, but never breaks.

"Isabella!" He yells with anger. His eyes turn pitch black as he growls at me. I look away from him, my wolf on the verge of running into his arms. I cut off the link between us so that he won't contact me.

Dream {Book 1}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang