Epilogue - Boo, Bitch

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"Baby Sykes." I corrected.

At that moment Gemma jumped out from behind Silas and gave me a fright. I stumbled back into Wesley, clutching at my chest.

"Gemma don't do that, she scares easily." Wesley told her softly, whilst pulling me closer to him. "River, are you ok?"

"Yea-" before I could reassure him that I was ok a period cramp sliced through my lower abdomen. Looks like I wasn't the only one who got a fright. Instinctfully a hand flew to my belly and I stilled, willing the pain to go away.

"River?" His voice was stern and full of concern. Everybody was staring at me, gagging my next move.

One look at Gemma's wide eyes reminded me that this was a kid's party, nothing can go wrong. So I took a deep breath and put on my best smile.

"Yes. I'm ok." I took Gemma's tiny hand in my own. "You look amazing Gem, happy birthday."

She broke into a toothless grin. "You make a great gabage Aunt River!" She squealed as she dragged me into the house.

"Jesus Gem! She's pregnant be careful!" Silas barked as Wesley called out dramatically, "My cabbages!"

I couldn't help but giggle at the cartoon reference because my baby daddy is such a dork. I could do this, another sharp pain rolled over as Gemma dragged me and I silently begged Baby Sykes to hang tight even though the nurse in me had a sneaky feeling that these contractions were not Braxton Hicks.

I clutched the glass in my hand tightly as I paced on the porch watching the screaming children play. No matter how much I moved, the contractions weren't easing up. I took a deep breath as another contraction blossomed in my lower back and spread out, at the exact time I expected it to.

"You're just as stubborn as your father," I pleaded with my belly. "Can you not ruin Gemma's day please?"

As if Baby Sykes was displeased with me another contraction blindsided me. Shit, my contractions were getting closer together and increasing in intensity. I'm officially in active labour.

The great thing about being at a birthday party while your baby was trying to break out of your womb was the squeal of the excited kids was louder than your groans of pains.

"Seriously Sykes?" I said through gritted teeth and I wasn't sure which Sykes I was referring to. The man who knocked me up and left me here to do a beer run with Silas. Or the baby who was currently ripping my insides apart at the worst possible time.

I tried to talk to myself like I would a patient and just got irritated at myself. Fuck this hurts and I want this baby out!

I wasn't sure if I had imagined the sound of Wesley's distant laugh because I was hoping he'd come rescue me or he had actually arrived but I was hoping for the latter.

"Wes?" He didn't respond. "Wesley!"

"Babe?" He stuck he his head out and the good humour from his expression drained when he saw me hunched over, with both my hands flat on the snack table for support.

"How far apart?" His voice was in doctor mode but his gentle caressing hands on my back were in lover mode.

"I don't know 5, 6 minutes?" I gritted out as another contraction attacked. "Maybe four!" I gasped out. I didn't bother to wipe the tears that began to flow.

"You're in active labour."

"You don't say." I replied sarcastically. What was it about being in labour that made me want to be a complete bitch?

He took my hand and slowly ushered me into the house. "You must've felt something earlier why didn't you say something?"

"I didn't want to ruin," another contraction hit and the urge to deep squat took over. This time I did scream.

The party festivities came to a halt, like a DJ stopping a record. Some of the adults tried to hold back the tide of curious children and Silas had rushed to the other side of me and helped Wesley take me to a guest room.

"Wesley take me to the damn hospital. You are not delivering this baby!" If I wasn't in so much pain I'd be dying of embarrassment. Of course Wesley was a great doctor but he was also my man. Nobody wants to be a hot sweating mess in front of their boyfriend. I'm a nurse, I know first hand how ugly labour can get.

Wesley chuckled and gently lay me down. "I'm going to have to cut you out of this costume babe."

"No!" I cried out and made a weak attempt at bringing my knees together. Somewhere along the way my water broke in this hot stuffy costume and I could only imagine the smell.

You could study this for years but no one prepares you for the embarrassment of it all.

"Hey," Wesley stroked my hair back and lightly brushed my tears away. He looked at me like a precious piece in the Louvre.

"I'm so fucking scared." I whispered back. "Don't you dare give me the bullshit you tell patients. This is fucking scary!"

He laughed again, preparing me and himself for baby Sykes. How was he this calm while I was panicking? The voice in my head scoffed at me, this is his job you idiot.

"Wes?" I lifted my head so I could see him over my enormous belly, between my legs. When did having him between my legs become so scary?

"We still don't have a name." I was panicking and grasping at straws to distract myself. "Are we gonna compound our surnames?"

"Nah its just Sykes." He smiled.

"I want the baby to have my surname too!" I threw my head back as another contraction hit me. The worst one yet.

"OK. Take my surname then."

"Huh?" I lifted my head again. Everything was fuzzy but was he...? "Are you asking me to...?"

He nodded slowly and gave me the shyiest smile. "I know this is bad timing babe, and trust me I've been trying to think of the perfect way to ask you before baby Coleman comes along but,"

He looked down, no doubt to check how wide I was dilated. "Looks like we're out of time. So River Coleman, before God, will you do me the honour and have my baby in wedlock? You got about 3 more centimeters to decide."

Despite the blinding pain, that made me laugh. I loved this man so much and nothing would make me happier. "Yes! Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!"

His smile was so precious, like a kid in a candy store and I burned it into my memory. He looked adorably ridiculous in his costume but he was all mine. "Good. Ready?"

He wasn't just asking about labour, he was asking if I was ready to do this life thing with him and our baby. Both our lives were about to change for the better, I nodded.

"Ok, push baby."


For all the love you guys showed this book I wanted to give you one last treat. Again thank you all for the support❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Madam Momus and Her Dirty Diaries.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon