Itachi's Dilemma

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^ Art made by me. You can check it out and more on Instagram @m_ai_art . Any and all support would be greatly appreciated. 

Now onwards with the chapter!


Itachi was concerned. The first major surprise to him was the death of Danzo. It was an unexpected outcome but a welcomed one. Unlike most, he could not find it in him to question why Danzo's killer had chosen a fork as their weapon. If Itachi himself had been in the same room with Danzo, armed only with a fork, he would have done the same. So if anything, he could only give the unidentified killer props for carrying out the murder. 

The next thing that came as a surprise to Itachi was the fact that one of his crows had been caught and instead of being killed, the crow had been let go with a note attached to it's leg. What surprised Itachi even more was that the crow in question was the one he used to keep an eye on his Otouto.

In case the string of unexpected events wasn't enough, the contents of the note gave him another shock. Not only was the note definitely from his Otouto, it was very carefully encrypted and extremely direct. It read as follows;

'Ni-san get your ass back to the village before I actually kill your crows. You can stop playing hero now, Danzo is gone and I know why you killed the clan so get a life already. If you don't listen then you're going to disappoint Shisui's ghost so behave. Also stop spying on me, that's extremely creepy and an invasion of privacy. Don't be weird Ni-san.'

His Otouto thought he was weird? Oh what had Itachi done? He could deal with his Otouto hating him but what if his precious little Sasuke thought he was some kind of pervert? This was not good at all. Itachi loved his brother dearly but never like that! 

Also yes, Itachi had to know why Sasuke suddenly knew far too much about S class secrets. That was definitely the priority and not at all second to clearing up the misunderstanding that Itachi was some kind of pervert. Totally. 

If the rest of the day was spent with Itachi muttering to himself about not being a pervert and convincing himself that the surveillance of his Otouto was for protection and nothing else, then no one but Obito had to know as said man was left to pray to the Sage of Six Paths to protect him from the younger Uchiha who would readily stab him if he interrupted his brooding by breathing too loud.


Sasuke made his was to the academy earlier than usual. The previous day had been awful for Sasuke as he had kept sneezing non-stop. Sasuke had never succumbed to any allergies in his lifetime so it was particularly odd. Not like he could do anything about it though except ingesting the medicine Naruto practically shoved down his throat and sleeping it off. 

He hadn't received any response from Itachi which was about what he expected. It would take Itachi at least 2 weeks to find a way to distance himself from the Akatsuki as well as Obito without raising suspicion. 

Sasuke had almost reached the academy when he noticed someone loitering nearby it. Taking a closer look, Sasuke recognized the figure as Hyuga Hinata. Sasuke wanted to scream at the world. He did not contact Itachi just to be forced to talk to the kunoichi regardless. Even fate favoured the blonde, of course it did. Sasuke swore the world had made it its mission to revolve around the usuratonkachi.

 Groaning internally at his misery, Sasuke made his way to shy Hyuga, "Hn."

Hinata flinched considerably at the sudden sound but relaxed after realising it was Sasuke. She quickly bowed her head in greeting as she calmed her shaking hands. 

"H-hello th-there Sasuke-kun. D-did you n-need something?" The Hyuga stuttered shyly, hoping she didn't make the Uchiha mad with her slow response. Sasuke could only grunt at her timidness, wondering desperately how this shy girl was the same person that took out entire battalions in the 5th Shinobi War with only one eye. 

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