Sudden Changes/ The Date

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In the last chapter, Leo Amadeus is a regular boy with average grades and average life but his life is about to get weirder, as the supernatural will be revealed to him.

It is now the next day and everyone is at Kuoh Academy as the girls of the said academy are talking about how cute Leo is while the Boys are talking about boobs, ass, etc. then out of nowhere everyone looks at the gate to see the Amadeus family.

RG1: WWWAAAAHHH~ Look its Leo-kun!

As everyone sees Leo he looks different, with a weird flame-like mark on his forehead that extends to his wrist, his hair extended to his back, and he's grown from 5'0 to 5'4.

RG2: What happened to him?!

RG3: His growth spurt must've happened overnight!

RG4: But he still has his innocent face!

Everyone was fawning over Leo's new look.

Leo: (How does this happen!)

Well, let's rewind.

Flashback 3rd POV

It was a wonderful morning, the doves were chirping, sun rays basking on the earth.


And Leo freaking out over his sudden change while he looks in the mirror.

Tsuki: Leo are you okay up there, c'mon you're going to be late!

Leo: Coming!

As he went down to go to school the whole family was shocked by his appearance and blushed at his handsomeness.

Flashback End Leo POV

Aww man, now the whole school is freaking out about me how am I supposed to enjoy my quiet life at school now well at least it's lunchtime, my favorite. When I found my special tree I see Koneko-senpai already there.

Leo: What are you doing here Koneko-senpai.

Koneko: With the rumors going around I can't possibly eat in peace.

Leo: Oh, sorry about that.

Koneko: You don't have to be sorry, but to make me feel better you can join me.

Knowing I didn't have much of a choice I decided to join everything was swell until she pulled out some pocky sticks.

Knowing I didn't have much of a choice I decided to join everything was swell until she pulled out some pocky sticks

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Koneko: Wanna play a game.

I nodded my head super fast, I love playing games then she put the chocolate end in my mouth and the other end in her mouth.

Koneko: Get ready.

Then she grabs my face and pulls me closer, then she starts eating toward my face, as the stick gets shorter I brace for a kiss but it doesn't come as the stick is already broken.

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