The Eggpire

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This starts just before exile and happens during it as well

The Eggpire is an alliance between BadBoyHalo, Antfrost, Punz, Ponk, Hannahxxrose, and Skeppy. The alliance was formed on January 14, 2021 during a roundtable between the founders, Bad, Ant, Punz and CaptainPuffy (who has since left) in order to become more powerful. The keystone of the alliance is the Egg, which is meant to be a source of chaos and a way to subdue the rest of the server. Despite the Eggpire being formed as a military coalition by Bad with Ant, Puffy, and Punz, most members of the Eggpire have joined due to being corrupted by the Egg. After the Red Banquet, made all members of the Eggpire go into hiding, the Eggpire (as a faction) would go inactive, as the egg itself would be contained by Awesamdude.

BadBoyHalo created a roundtable with Antfrost, CaptainPuffy, and Punz having the Egg as the main discussion point. The group agreed that the spread was becoming a problem. However, BadBoyHalo proposed that they release it, with the main points being that the Badlands needed chaos and that there was no major conflict since L'Manberg was destroyed. Aware of the mesmerizing powers of the Egg, he argued that it was the ideal source of chaos, and that they could find a way afterward to fight its power.

After visiting the Egg to see its current state, the group returned to the roundtable, where Bad invited Punz and CaptainPuffy to join them in the Badlands. He added that if both of them joined, they'd be powerful enough not only to defend their current territory, but also take over the server. Puffy was hesitant because she realized BadBoyHalo was trying to become a tyrant, but after he explained that all in the new empire would all have equal say, she agreed to 'weakly ally' with them as long as they destroyed the Egg in the end. They decided to name the group the "Eggpire", a name suggested by Punz.

On the same day, they broke down the obsidian enclosure of the Egg and allowed it to spread. Punz's eyes eyes turned red with corruption, and he said that he loved the power of the Egg. Puffy was still unsure, so Bad showed her the exposed Egg. Puffy agreed, but felt as though she had no other choice; she expressed in her Captain's Log she didn't know what to do. To further advance the spread of the vines, the members planted blood seeds on the bottom of L'Canyon.

After their first tasks, they traveled to Church Prime to have an official meeting and disband for the day. After the others left, Bad revealed that he was infected by the Egg, showing that his "normal" skin was a disguise, and his true self lost its red accents in corruption. In addition, Puffy revealed she didn't trust the Eggpire and only allied with it in order to stop the destruction and chaos caused by their plans.

Days after the formation BadBoyHalo began spreading propaganda throughout the server, composed of fan art submitted by various viewers. Bad also tried to recruit Foolish by showing him the Egg without a hazmat suit. However, Foolish did not feel attraction towards the Egg and thought that Bad was just crazy.

Antfrost changed to his corrupted skin, revealing he was also completely infected. Believing him to be trustworthy, Puffy complained about the Egg to him, but realized her mistake and convinced him she was pro-Egg by helping them find a meeting spot. However, she wrote in her book 'Mission Undercover: Egg' showing she resolved to completely against the Egg. The group then held a meeting to discuss their next plan, establishing a meeting room and considering killing Eret due to their kingship.

However, the group was met by opposition from Sam. Ant and Bad tried to trick him to go down to the Egg, but Puffy managed to warn him by playing dumb and asking why he wasn't wearing a hazmat suit. Sam managed to escape before becoming corrupted.

Tommy met up with Bad and Ant, as he was doing research on the Egg and wanted to know where it was. They brought him down to the Egg without a hazmat suit and attempted to convince him to touch the Egg. He thought they're a bit weird, but complied and stood on top of the Egg unprotected. He felt no attraction to the Egg and messed around, pretending to hear the Egg say offensive things when they prompted him. Realizing the Eggpire were serious, Tommy quickly left.

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